"When fate reaches us" ¡The Ultimate Experiment! The most worthy to apply and put in practice on steemit asap.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Lately, I've been observing (with some concern) a big influx and an incessant increase of articles & comments throughout the entire community of steemit regarding the recent problem of spam. And jointly with this big problem also a notorious drop in the quantity of views & upvotes that our articles get. But specially and above all, what most call my attention is; the rickety or nonexistent monetary rewards with which is being valued our content. Even when and despite the fact that a few of our posts, sometimes, barely a few times, rarely, these manage to achieve 100+ upvotes and more but even so, these can't surpass the barrier of $1.00 in earnings.

Strange trend ¿isn't it? ¿Why do you think this last happens?

Oh! you wouldn't need more to do than simply check on steemdb the record of votes that your posts are getting to find the sour explanation.
Let's use like an example my most recent and voted post: https://steemdb.com/spanish/@por500bolos/con-nsfw-o-sin-nsfw-humor-venezolano-en-tiempos-de-crisis-lectura-para-un-viernes-en-la-noche/votes

In case you wanna check one of your own posts, just copy & paste the link of your post on steemit, in your notepad, and then replace steemit.com by steemdb.com following the https:// bit and leave the rest the same such like it already is.

Fine, did you already click the link of my post above? Ok, now scroll down slowly until the end of the page.
¿Do you notice that almost the 98% of each one of the 75 votes shown there rarely any of them surpass the 9% of voting power from the generous voters?

¿Do you also wonder what's the reason of this?

Curiously, this is due to, that having used the proper tag spanish and some other varied tricks embedded in the content of my article on purpose, to catch specifically the attention of the community of steemians to which my post was specially addressed to, yep, fortunately I accomplished the goal. ¡I catched their attention!

Cool! and then what happened next?

What happened was, that I catched the attention of a community of users who vote through external services outside steemit.com to cast their votes. Like for example: Streemian, SteemTrail, eSteem, ChainBB, etc. Services which currently allow them to adjust and program their automatized meaningless votes in tiny percent chunks with the exclusive and only purpose of 'if by chance' curate the biggest number of posts and consequently get a tiny slice of the incomes that eventually those articles could generate from curation in the case one of these grow in popularity. All this in sight that most of these users not even dispose of the infamous slider feature on steemit.com to adjust it manually at the moment to vote. A function and feature that you won't get unless you reach a high reputation and once you've accumulated at least the ostentatious figures of 500.000SP into your wallet to become an authentic content curator. And additionally, most of these minnows and external voters naively they also think that voting in this precarious way they would avoid to deplete too soon the total of their bald vote power and that even voting with a derisory 1% or 9% of their vote power, they aspire to show in this way some recognition and support to the author of the article. ¡Ahem!

¿Are you catching the thang?

Oh! and that above is nothing compared. Sometimes, you also succeed in catch the attention of some famous and powerful AI Voting Guild or Curators Trail or any other of those groups of dolphins out there with objectionable external automatisms to vote where, imho, wearing their camouflage attire of showing support and valoration to your content thru their massive, heavy and juicy vote of 1% which occasionally could bring you maybe a little more than $1 buck due to their collective wealth of Steempower delegated or not, it isn't too hard to discover that not everything is pure sympathy and philanthropy in these groups either.
Clearly, we can see thru the cracks of their cloaking attire their evident intention of greed being them very conscious that they also will get some monetary gains by the fact of voting a promising post on this pernicious blind cycle of curation by illiterate automatisms.

In front of this, ¿What could we do to really humanize steemit and turn this out into an authentic living community?

A genuine and authentic Social Network of living beings. A community of users who truly read your posts, digest your content and vote & resteem your articles with full awareness for having read them all entirely beforehand. That they interact in a meaningful way and sense after they fully know exactly what was talking your article about and understand what was written.
That any possible monetary rewards that your posts may earn comes only and exclusively from MANUAL VOTES and each one of them at full 100% of the humanly, vivid and conscious vote power of the community and its users. Vote which obviously they will give you at 100% if they really liked your post or they found something of interest, value or inspiration in them.

¿Can be this concept understood?

Okay! ¿What's needed and what is my proposal of "experimental solution" and provisional procedure to consider?

Well, very simple. Shuffling the cards and start a brand new game. ¡Abolish, excommunicate, block and send straight to hell! every activity of fractional and automatized votes through methods and apps of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Bots, Goblins, Fairies and any other artificial entity external to the own and exclusive interface of steemit.com as for the capability to vote. Preventing exercise the vote and execute its capability of value our content from external websites and from alien spaces away from the GUI of steemit. There is no problem in continue using the capability of comment or resteem a post from those same external websites. It's solely necessary root cut, mutilate and prevent the capability of vote from outside steemit in any percentage. Those who want to vote THEY MUST READ THE CONTENT FIRST and if after that they also want to reward the author, yep, they must login into their steemit account and vote how this is due. At full 100% of their vote power or a little less in the case they are a whale or dolphin who already got their blessing slider.

Once established my experimental solution which I'm gonna describe next, you will see how simple it is to be implemented and put in practice by the steemit development team and its most high executives and responsibles.

¡The Ultimate Experiment!

¡A Damn Captcha System!

Establish a filter, a Captcha System which must be absolutely necessary to solve and overcome before being able to vote from an external website or from a place alien to the GUI of steemit.com. There is no need to solve any captcha to be able to vote from inside steemit. But if in the case, that to be able to ban votes from outside steemit, due some issues to rightly implement such function/feature into the Steem Blockchain, it also would require to solve the captcha even within steemit, so be it and show the middle finger to all those illiterates and all those who insist in refusing to read. There isn't nothing glorious nor gratifying in get a vote from those who don't even bother to read a sovereign shit of what we've written.

And it is no wonder to say, that with some small modification to this captcha function and a slight tweak here, there and overthere we could also hopefully solve this nightmarish issue of the spam expanding lately all over the place. Although in this case, I think the solution might be harder to achieve. Since in fact, I have no doubt that the spam activity is indeed performed by actual humans and not by bots or any automatism.

¿That you say this post is way too long and tiresome to describe a simple silliness?

¡Yes! of course it is long. And probably it would be even longer if I were to desire be more accurate with the details of my proposal as to not allow place to any misunderstandings.
By which, in an attempt to show some mercy with all those brave and daredevil curious who have had the patience to read this post until here. I will add a couple of paragraphs more for your evaluation, scrutiny and proper consideration.

Out of pure curiosity, please, make a test right now. Click on the trending tab on steemit and take note of the names of all the authors whose posts are shown there. Watch carefully their steemit reputation and the number of views, votes and comments that said authors have gotten in their posts. And above all, pay attention to the average amount of dollars they already have accumulated in earnings on said posts.

¿Do you note something curious here?

¡Exactly! those high figures in earnings, that these privileged authors get, are no more than product of a continual and constant avalanche of blind & automatized votes performed and executed by greedy and illiterate GUILDS, TRAILS, CURATORS Y JERK CIRCLES paying tribute each other mutually with a fat roll of green bills, in a jiffy, praising, awarding and rewarding exclusively their own royal content among them with the collective benefits of a steem rewards pool which pertain to the entire steemit community equally.
¡Put a little bit of thought to this thang mate! ¿Do you believe that if those dolah$ would came out directly from the individual wallet of those who vote there, they would be so happily willing to vote so profusely their posts? ¡Ha! ¡Not even a fucking chance!

What is even more disturbing. ¿To how many of these authors who usually get high profits through their posts, you see or have you seen voting, commenting, resteeming or interacting with their own name in any other post or article on steemit which does not belong or is outside of their own sacred brotherhood, shark's club & jerk's circle? ¿Huh?

¡I bet you've never seen their nicknames on the statistics of those who vote your posts!

So don't be fooled my dear rabble minnow. This is the authentic reality of the current shared economy in our "Steem World" in which every time monetary rewards exist within a system, those above, those on top of the pyramyd never ever will quit their privileged position and they will appeal to every raping fest and trickery already established within the current rewards algorithms to take advantage of the biggest chunk of this pie and just will leave to those below only the crumbs to be distributed and shared with the rest of us the naives. Us who still keep the belief that some day we are gonna draw the attention and reward of a succulent vote of $10 ó $20 buck$ single-handedly through a lonely hit from these apathetic, indifferent and opulent mammals.

Hence, from now on, you won't have any other choice but keep going ahead, resist, insist and persist in your attempt to climb higher positions to the next levels of the pyramyd in a continual and constant effort of creating new content, original & quality content to feed and keep fattening those above you with your contribution of minning brand new steem tokens with your articles, posts and comments throughout the whole chain of value. Perhaps in the interim, in the course of that epic journey, if by chance, through the humble vote of your colleagues, minnows like you who actually read your posts and vote manually with plain awareness regarding what you've written and shared, maybe, just maybe some day your articles finally will classify to be shown on steemit's trending tab.

Certainly this post may sound a bit sordid, grumpy, discouraging and loud in tone. But in fact it is not. I just aspire to open a bit your eyes and lead your sight toward some things which are no so easy to perceive, locate and pinpoint nor in the surface nor thru the bottom of this kind of Social Network platform which share their profits with their userbase and which award & reward their members equally in a collective and individual way through their input of original & quality content in the name and in behalf of a so much clucked sense, feeling and mirage of COMMUNITY. Indeed, the community exist. The sense of community exist. But obviously, each one within their own height. Each one in their own level. Each one from their own cave and catacomb.
The castes and pudient classes also exist and appears like there is not so much spare and free space up there for those already standing there stepping steady ground as to desire and be too willing to share this space with you too soon.

¡So, Vigilant Eyes!

Finally, simply a handful of slogans to encourage you to comment below and drop your opinion about how wrong am I with my point of view. What could possibly went slipped under my radar without me noticing it in my analysis. What could I haven't considered in deep through my potential ignorance regarding the platform and its goals. Etcétera, etcétera, etcétera.
But above all, if you are eagerly decided to comment something. Please, try to respond to any of these 5 points next:

  • 1- Death to every automatism and every variety of Voting Bots.
  • 2- Prevent, block y excommunicate every blind vote activity coming from websites & apps external to the steemit.com GUI.
  • 3- Supervise, Moderate and Evaluate every behavior of the Voting Guilds, Curators Trails and every collective group who while delivering massive blind votes, afterwards can't prove some sort of Manual and Objective Curation.
  • 4- Veil to create an Authentic Community of true human values. Procuring to establish a conscious, coherent and vivid experience through the feedback of votes & comments.
  • 5- Implement, establish and put in practice "The Captcha System" or a similar mechanism which accomplish the goal in forcing to all steemians to play the steemit game with the due rules. Without any chance or possibility to break the barriers so easily.

At last but not least, I'm gonna share here a triplet of links to posts of other steemians which you may want to read also.

First Bots Are Bad and then ¡Great post my friend! Upvoted Resteemed & Followed and last "short term thinking" vs. "long term thinking."

And well, better not write anything else, because I could even go completely mad.

Yeah! even more mad than a fierce Ratel!!

Btw, ¿Do you already have impervious skin to arrows and spears?

"Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cheers!! :)


Looks like I'm the first to comment, even after 21 hours of the article being posted.

I have made several comments on people's posts about bots and how they dehumanize what is touted to be a social media platform. Lets face it; the truth of the matter is that this is a platform based on currency and rewards are earned by gaming the system. Those who play crafty win while those who hold onto the belief that this is a community of intelligent people who wish to actually communicate with each other will lose (in the sense that they will not win as much).

One way to win is to buy your way into the circle of big fish. Once you reach dolphin status, just watch how the vultures begin to circle you! They will sweet-talk to you and tell you how wonderful you are and how valuable your posts are, even if you post crap about what your pet slug did today.

Having said that, it is up to you to redefine what it means to win. If you actually enjoy posting stuff and would have done it anyway for free, then even earning just 10 cents a day is more than you would have had if you posted on Facebook or somewhere else. After 10 days, you have $1. After a month you have $3. If you get lucky and attract the odd big vote, you have even more! Slowly, over time, you actually do accumulate something. Then you wait for steem to be worth $3,000 each and you begin to laugh and wonder why you were complaining. Or.... the bots kill the platform and EVERYONE loses. Then YOU can laugh the loudest, because you predicted the collapse and didn't invest any of your own money.

Thank you @happyme for your very well welcome and appreciated comment. :)

Excuse me if by now I can't reply to your comment like I would really like to and like it really deserves. Since ATM I'm having huge issues with my internet connection which drops the signal every 5 seconds and has been running more sluggish than a snail race from several months ago. Yeah! my ISP (held by the state) sucks big way!!

I will try to address your comment properly later on. I promise!! }:)

No worries. I hope you get your Internet issues sorted out soon.

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