The evolutionary history of a Society in a Nutshell: Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

History repeats itself all the time.

This is a well known fact. Especially if we do not learn from our past?!
Meanwhile I strongly doubt that, for I think that some developments have to be gone through before it is possible to go further in evolution. (if you are interested in that matter you should read Ken Wilber and his Integral Approach. I found a nice summary of the theory here but that is beside the point I wanted to make here.)

Let´s look at Steemit for a moment:

Prehistory and the antiquity:

Let´s say that the prehistoric time could be defined as April to June 16. Most users here do not know anything about these times: @dan and @ned and some others find out how to light the first fire, then the struggles to survive, to build the basis of civilisation, the first tribes, cuneiform, mathematics etc. ( I was told this happened in a cave @blocktrades )
Probably we can also locate the Garden Eden, the Original Sin, Cain and Abel and other moments in this time, too. Most is transcended into myth, although printed on the blockchain, our holy book to find out the truths.

The time around 0 BC

Fights, War, Society building, developing ways to communicate and then THE important step on 24.July 16. OPEN BETA. The Commandments are in place (Don´t forget your password). The New Covenant. People from outside join. Miracles after miracles are seen everywhere (price, freedom, no censorchip, and huge money to be made). Salvation time begins.


"Blacklisted by cheetah". Probably thought as a good thing and still in most ways a very useful and great bot, this is something I still can´t fathom. It may be that steem is a very clean space compared to others. Concerning trolls, cheaters, plagiarism and other fortune hunters we live in (a sometimes boing) paradise. I am not sure if that is an ongoing witchhunt or if it´s just needed "law enforcement" for the things to come.

The Enlightenment

Steemfest... such a boost in creativity. I guess that weekend really was one to remember and it changed the perspective of many into something really GREAT.
People start using cryptocurrencies. Not only BTC is on the rise. People, you never would have thought of, are starting giving Cryptoadvice ( @heiditravels here )

Communism and the cold war:

Hard times after the energy of the enlightenment fizzeled out... prices dropping, bot armies are being installed. The first real trolls arrive and behave like assholes. Flagwars escalate. People searching for solutions and for more fairness in the disstribution system. I think, I even found someone suggesting to exproptiate the whales... ROFL ( BTW. I am aware that the sexual revolution took place during the cold war)

The sexual revolution:

We have seen @nspart and @alexanova bringing us the sexual revolution. NSFW was installed. Today noone is talking about it anymore. Just have a look into the "adult" channel on In short: A desert has more moisture...

Labour Unions:

First there is a need for more justice. Helping out the small ones. GUILDS! At first Curie, then others. As in real society they do a good thing for most of the workers, still there are up to today some CONS. I guess enough has been said about that issue, I won´t tell more here. This process started well before BC and will probably still continue far into the future. It seems people have a strong need for stability and fairness, and they hope to find these in the work of guilds.

Who the F$%&! is TRUMP

We need a person, telling things in a way that stunns half the world: Straight forward without remorse. AND THEN doing it. Changing things. He must be officially hated, but doing the right thing (at least most of the time). I think it would be too much of a coincidence making @berniesanders into our own histories TRUMP. @smooth might be Pence then or even General "Maddog". ( I am really still laughing hard at that thought )


This is the future... well not much to tell about that. Only that it could be fantastic or it could be hell. WE, THE COMMUNITY DECIDE!


We skimmed through major developments in history using "fast forward" to find us in the here and now. As stated at the beginning, I believe that every evolution into something new has to go through the major steps of the past. Especially knowing, that we skipped WW I. and WW II. so far. To me this perspective is giving much hope. I am not sure if any system I know has switched through the ages this fast. This only allows one conclusion for me: It will be amazing!

Let´s hope that the Price of Steem will be set by Richard Price in his "miracle of compound interest".

Perhaps you´ll find other fitting comparisons... don´t hesitate putting them in the comments!

PS: Perhaps, I am totally wrong and we still are just before the Enlightenment. At the end it does not matter. For sure we will have amazing times before us.

thx to @elyaque for the badges

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Thx, I am speechless!

Great post! When do we go to the moon?!

THX... Didn´t you are aware that noone has been to the moon yet ;-)

Does that mean that when Steem hits $1.00 no one will believe it?!

I once believed that "the Moon" would be a price around 100 $. In this proportion the 4$ from "around 0 BC" will mean nothing more than the switch form geocentrism to heliocentrism.

hahahaha Amazing post!!! :D I am still laughing... best of the day!

I love your attitude!! 😎

Thx, glad people can laugh with me...

" I think it would be too much of a coincidence making @berniesanders into our own histories TRUMP" LOL!

great post , and should be read by new users , for Steem value , i choose 10,000$ as goal then the price will reach soon between 1000-5000 $

That´s the spirit I want to see! MSGA!

Yes history repeats itself... and that also goes for Steemit building its community.

I predicted Steem price would go to 1 cent, 2-3 months ago, now it is at 10 cent... read more here :

I really hope we won´t see 1 Cent, but of course it is possible. As I understand marketing will start as soon as scalability is guaranteed. It seems that it just wouldn´t work to proceed 1mio users + atm.

I have not heard anything about the marketing plans?

I thought scalability was already worked out.

Check out @timsaid ´s post from Steemit Meetup in HH. There has been a live Q&A with ned. Seems there really ARE marketing plans.

Scalability will be worked out with "FABRIC" (look in the roadmap) for Q3/Q4 2017.

I can be wrong about that, but that is how I understand it.

Do you have a link to the Q&A with Ned?

Sorry, there is none. Tim just mentioned it in his post.

Very well said! This is really the best commentary on the world of Steemit I have seen, in the few short weeks I have been here... whatever happens next, let's just hope it doesn't include "and then the world blew itself up!"

Thanks for an "enlightening" read!

Glad to be of help. I share that hope...

I always love to learn something new keep up the good work..can you follow me thanks a lot

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