Manifesto for a better social media - for steemitopia and fellow steemians

in #steemit7 years ago

If you are a developer then I assume this picture will be familiar to you and you'll know why the manifesto is written this way. For the rest of you this is just a little bit of background to help you understand.

I wanted to write this post in my first couple of weeks on Steemit, but I realized at the time that I didn't know enough about the community and its people to pen something of significance or meaningful (and may still fail here). Having read a couple of good manifestos in my professional career, I decided to base this one on the popular Agile Manifesto ( which I am proud to be a signatory of.

I believe that the Steemit movement is a reflection of the way that people want to break up the centralization of power and wealth that is having an impact on modern society, and while I don't think it is the solution to all of our problems, I do believe that a change in the way we think and do things as part of social media is going to usher in a new wave of social interactions. So just as the Agile Manifesto led to the changes that underpinned the way web and smart phone applications are design and developed today, I want the Steemit Manifesto to reflect the beginning of this movement of ours as well.

I also just want to give a shout out to @feelix for having a go at the first Steemit Manifesto that I have come across:

Full text below:

We are uncovering better ways of improving
society by posting on Steemit and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over bots and wallets
Working hard over striving to be witnesses and whales
Purposeful collaboration over contests and competitions
Being true to our cause over platform or exchange value changes

That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.

Please comment below if you endorse this manifesto (or would like to make suggestions/recommendations) or if you would like to be a signatory.

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