
I think it's something like for double the SP you have 10x the influence over rewards. Whales influence is compounded upon it's already large weight.

It would give minnows but especially dolphins and orcas a lot more control over rewards though whales still would have a big influence, it would just be a linear difference. Currently there is no possible real way for minnows to pool and beat a whale because their collective SP is scaled by their individual SP level.

I am of the opinion that people will thank @abit for pushing this issue in the near future.

Wow, that does give whales a huge influence compared to others. It's great that it is being pulled into questioning.

You might be right about people being thankful for a future change on this, but right now, I understand the frustration. It's just sad that not all whales were on board, because the downvotes to even that out now just look so negative. People take downvotes very personal.

Only because they don't understand why, that's why I wanted to drop the information in here. There is about 5 top 19 witnesses who are campaigning for linear rewards, I am also in support of this. The difficulty is that there is at least a few whales who don't want to lose their cash cow and lacking their support steemit, inc. is also a bit tangled up in this because whales also have quite a bit of influence over who gets to be witness also.

I think the linear reward distribution will not lead to as many problems as some are saying (self-voting), but definitely the power curve distribution creates a very bad division between power and stake that especially affects how the rewards are allocated, which is why I support the message that @abit is trying to bring to people.

Thanks a lot for your explanation of this. I myself hadn't seen such a clear explanation yet and, even though I don't mind testing during beta anyway, I do understand the reasons behind this more clearly now.

It's a shame there's a division in the top influencers about it, as that trickles down to the rest of us Steemians aswell. Hench all the negativity surrounding this experiment.

I understand people being reluctant to let go of their income ofcourse, but if this change will lead to a fairer reward distribution, wouldn't that also lead to a better, or at the very least more varied quality of posts? This should only help to increase wider acception of Steemit, meaning more chances of the Steem price going up. That would lead to a bigger income in the end.

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