A question for the Steemit curators and bloggers

in #steemit7 years ago

I could use some help in figuring this one out.

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Imagine this: You quit your job a while ago and for the last year, you've spend most of your time on Steemit. It's been the only place you've earned anything! You've been blogging, commenting, upvoting. Now, you're at a job interview. They notice the gap in your resume and ask you what you've been doing with your time. What would you say? Or would you have closed that gap on your resume by giving your time on Steemit a name?

This is the position I'm in. I quit my job at the beginning of this year and since then, I've spend a lot of time on Steemit. I wrote blogs, comments and I curated. Besides that, I've done some work for @curie lately. Regular curation recommendations and after that, the gaming curation.

I'm thinking of going back to work somewhere next year. Once our houses are sold, I'll have nothing to worry about anymore and I think I might be close to ready for a new challenge.

Now I wonder what I should say if anyone asks me what I've been doing this last year. What do I say that puts my time here in a positive daylight, without having to spend an hour, trying to explain everything Steemit?

Do I call myself a blogger? But I've done more than just blogging. What if I would put this on my resume? What then should I call my Steemit 'job'?

  • What do you think I should say/write down?
  • Do you consider Steemit a job?
  • Do you give a name to your Steemit time? What do/would you name it?

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Besides that, I've done some work for @curie lately. Regular curation recommendations and after that, the gaming curation.

Worked at a platform called steemit and a curator for @curie, am a helper and I help those in need be it from any region of the world if you would love to know more about what I do on steemit and its application I would suggest you look me up http://steemit.com/@playfulfoodie

Ooh nice, thanks for that suggestion!

I would say, I was blogging on a cryptocurrency platform which rewards contributors and curators.

Blogging itself is a job you have to multitask and manage your time effectively.

I think companies need bloggers because bloggers are good learners, hard workers and leaders. Bloggers are self-driven so don't need any external motivation to put their best foot forward.

Ooh I like your take on this, thank you so much for sharing your opinion!

i'll second that. honesty is the best policy. who knows, perhaps they have heard of the platform. never know till u ask

You can say you've been a part of a revolutionary new platform called Steemit, a platform where people blog and explore the depth of their persona, as well as earn decent amount of money. It is hard to explain what steemit really is to people without blochain knowledge, you might spark their interest with vague explanation. You can also show them your blogs, once they see the quantity they will be impressed for sure :)

Thanks for your answer @moon32walker! I always find it hard to explain Steemit to people, so a good, short way of describing it is very useful.

I would name it, why not? "We work" on a platform that in some way or another generate rewards by doing things that we like and, considering that we are in the age of technology it is quite feasible to mention Steemit, that without counting the experience that you could have accumulated during all the time you have been in Steemit, could be helpful in your future work.

Thanks for this @freddbrito, I'm really happy to read your answer. So far, you all seem to agree that it's definitely worth mentioning Steemit :-)

Yes, you should mention it. You could've acquired some skills here that can help you in the job that you're applying for. If they know about it, they can make a better decision.

Thanks for sharing your opinion on this! Would 'blogger' be a good word, or would you call it something else?

What about 'community manager' (since you did some work for curie and all)? It's not completely accurate, but not really a lie either.

I was actually thinking about that aswell. Mainly because there isn't really a good, Dutch translation for 'curator'. Curator means something different in Dutch, so I worry it would make no sense...

You are an independent writer and curator on an international Blockchain crypto currency online platform.

Sounds good and then they ask you to explain and you can launch into your steemit presentation of what you have been doing.

I love that! I think I'm going to translate that into Dutch and see if I can add it to my resume or LinkedIn. It would look so much better than just having a gap for this year...

Thanks so much for your answer :D

Sounds a bit more professional than being a blogger :D

Yes, it most certainly does :D

I'd straight up tell them to be honest, if i was going for a job and they asked about what i was doing in the time off i'd show them my steemit and the payouts attached to them haha, just be up front about it, it shows initiative to go into business for yourself.

Thanks @cryptokrieg! Yeah, that's a good point. I might be a little bad at explaining it, but hey, a picture says more than a 1000 words, right? I'm sure the same can be said for an account page :D

For sure man, i mean, you're probably making a bit more than me each week, which is still alot, that's pretty fucking good for being self employed man hahah

this is tough.. I could see myself having the same questions in the future, when I am able to earn money through them ( if they are a lot), whenever I applied visa, the officer will question the huge deposit in my account.. I would say you can put in ,it's after all your real job..

Thank you for chiming in @aburmeseabroad! :D

Hello dear. I am in the same position as you are. I have a huge gap on my resume but I would not hesitate to put steemit on it.

Thanks for sharing your view on this @gailbelga! Yeah, Steemit must be better than nothing. How would you name it? I have checked on LinkedIn and copied this job title from a few others: Freelance Contributor at Steemit.

I do not know what to tell you, it has happened to me to explain the meaning to others that it is a crytomoneda. For us it will be difficult if you are absent; we are very used to your blog.

Anything, we will support you.

if you are a blogger ;)

Thank you! Oh no worries, even if I manage to find a job, I'll still stick around on Steemit :D

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