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RE: @haejin flagging fundraiser

in #steemit6 years ago

Wow I feel stuck, I have been a follower of @haejin since august, also I follow @hendrix22 initiatives which is how I found out about your tough 2017. Today while surfing Steemd, I saw downvotes from @breniesanders and others to @haejin posts. I thought that this whole issue has been solved based on a post from @scarlet7.


Why is this happening again? who broke the deal? I am not a part of this whole story but many people got their accounts down-voted to oblivion including myself at the time of the conflict, and would like this to be avoided this time for all Steemians. This is becoming ridiculous. What do?


We need to be supportive to @haejin. He got mental problems obviously.

I was checking @hendrix22 and @haejin on steemd. It seems like the first down-vote I spotted was by @hendrix22 down-voting post by @haejin yesterday, but I know @hendrix22 is a person with a very good will so there must be a reason or a misunderstanding behind that. I also know that @haejin would not down-vote someone for no reason. I would appreciate if we could find the source of this and just address that to solve this problem before it grows to nonsense like how it did two weeks ago. I am just trying to walk on the edge of fire here to try and solve it without any issues. I really want everyone from all sides of conflict to be happy, and I hope you are doing well and happy too :)

There is no debate about flagging fundraiser. Only moron will flag fundraiser.

The truth is obvious. @haejin is egomaniac which don't see reality as is because he is blinded by his ego. His ego don't let him to see he is draining reward pool, even when it's obvious. That's nature of people who are controled by their ego...they don't see anything then how to they can benefit from the situation.

I agree with you, I just saw the down-voted Post, I do not know why someone would ever down-vote a post like that. I just wish we could solve the Issue from the source or else it will keep happening again and again.

Pathetic. On other hand he will say he wants to help others with his posts. Oh yea?! If you are such a helper, why did you flag fundraiser? ;)

I hope this attitude changes, anything but flagging goodwill. I wish im a whale to upvote it, I did, but its like a grain of salt in the ocean.

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