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RE: Undervalued Post

in #steemit7 years ago

This is a good question! Typically the posts I feel get deemed "undervalued" are for a few different reasons. First you should always have pictures on your posts. There are way too many websites offering free to use pictures online to not do this and it's almost immediately guaranteed to turn people off of your post if you don't have a picture. Second thing I suggest is never, ever, ever re-post someone else's material because there are bots that are very good at detecting "stolen" material and will flag your account to a 0 reputation where your posts are actually hidden from site. The last suggestion I would make is to look at the time of day you are posting. If you use the search feature in the top right you can find many posts from other users sharing peak user times and you can time your posts when many people are online.


Thank you kindly for your advice. My curiosity has got more to do with your respond on having picture to a post and towards some detecting 'stolen' material and down voting a post to bring the reputation to 0. First why do people read novels that has no pictures to display? They read from the first page entirely to the end of the book. They get so involved that they start to get into the character in the novel. So is the Bible without pictures. Secondly, taking pictures from a site that give free permission also not call 'stolen'. It might be free or no policy for copy write but it is not ones that is taking and using it for there post. I would love to discuss on this matter before I fall in more detail further on the peak time.

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