in #steemit7 years ago

Hello everyone,

Let me ask you one important question:

Do I indeed need to use VOTING BOTS if I want to get some (at least semi-noteworthy) amount of STEEM tokens on this platform? That’s what many of you claim.

If so, isn’t this clashing fiercely with the MOST FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES of STEEMIT?

The revolutionary idea about this SHARING COMMUNITY is that the COMMUNITY allocates success, right?

Users decide COLLECTIVELY on which posts are to be rewarded.

STEEM should be GIVEN by the community, not PURCHASED by individual users.

However, it seems success is largely achieved by users who feed VOTING BOTS with their own capital.

As @yallapapi says: “The people who have money are the ones who get to have their voices heard, just like in the real world.” (

I don’t like this idea. Don’t like it at all.

I know that there are a lot of people and accounts dealing with abuse issues. But, as far as I know (correct me in case I’m wrong!), voting bots are not banned?

Those bots break the very core principles of STEEMIT!
Don’t you agree?

Would be great to hear some voices on this!


image source:

I believe wholeheartedly that you are right!

The core principle of blockchain tech and the Steemit platform is that we are a self governing, self affirming community and WE create the value that we recognise in eachother.

The beauty of being decentralised is that there is no greedy megacorp ready to milk us for all we are worth by monetising our vapid, middle of the road, appropriate, politically correct content. So for us to take on that role ourselves would be dangerous in my opinion.

We have an opportunity to have and to air real views on the world and everything in it with no fear of being demonetised by a Zuckerberg or a Google or have our content pepper bombed with corporate ads pushing products that we don't agree with and that do not represent our integrity.

Voting bots, load the dice, tilt the table and give (in my humble opinion) an unfair, unethical advantage...I GENUINELY believe that in the longterm the only true value on this platform and others that will copycat it, will come from solid, quality content that the community wants. I believe this content will come from those who have stuck it out and laid real foundations here and contributed consistently over the longterm.

Many will come and go, some heading for the hills when they are not trillionaires within 6 weeks, yet others will manipulate the system and run laughing maniacally with a sackfull of cash...These people are NOT the pioneers that it takes to create a new culture or community, they are the old world equivalent of snakeoil salesmen, profiteers and those lovely people who have one spin of the wheel too many and crash the world banking system!

The intimation that you make is the correct one to my understanding, let us create, let us be rewarded and ranked by our peers and let us lay solid foundations that will reward us for many years to come.

BUT more importantly, let the process be organic, let it grow in a very natural way, let us learn from our successes and failures and become better creators, this will teach us to hone our skills further until we are accomplished to a point we could never have foresaw in the beginning.

This will bring us rewards and skills that will serve us well going forward. I believe in your view of what should and should not be happening on the platform and in the community and in my heart I KNOW you are right.

Keep going the way you are going, I will too and let us lay down the tracks for the super bullet train we both KNOW we really have here!

Best wishes for the journey, I hope it is a far more enriching one than you could ever have guessed my friend :)

Wow. This is one hell of a good comment! And a long one too, you must have invested quite some time in it. Thanks a lot, my friend. I will keep following your thoughts and ideas.


I loved your integrity, it shone through in your post and it provoked a strong response in me (for obvious reasons) and I want to be moved when I read something or speak with someone...I'm happy to be offended by some folks also, as long as they have strong views and beliefs and can explain why they think that way.

Life is kinda full of small talk and people going along with the status quo, that's OK but it is life's filler, I prefer the real stuff.

Thanks again, take great care and as always...have FUN :)

Yes, I think we should focus less on the short term and more on the long term. Lets foster a community which values quality content!

That being said, I think that voting bots have there place in this current state of the platform. It is very hard to get noticed, and investing in promoting your content can certainly make sense.

Thank you for your comment, Ngans.
Before I came here I thought it was really all about quality content and "democratic" upvoting. It's a little disheartening to learn it's not (only).
Yes, I guess it is very hard to get noticed without using bots. However, I'll still not use them as I am too convinced it's not right to pay for votes. I hope these instruments will be banned / their use will be rigorously flagged soon.

Completely agree
with the writing here, it is difficult to obtain visibility in the post

*** For me, staying low-ranking without development is a very tedious thing. Actually I was bored, luckily I have acquaintances and he has not joined this steemit media, but he always pay attention to the development of this steemit, ***

I have never used a bot, but "marketing" my posts was overwhelming (on top of everything else it became overwhelming) and led to my not using the platform lately.

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