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RE: Maybe my last post. Why i am leaving. Steemit community are awesome may i add. EDIT: steemers made me reconsider -_-'

in #steemit8 years ago

Any time you get alarge diverse crowd of people there are some who will disagree with you and a few who are assholes. Dont let the aholes ruin your experience. You have some good post, but the volume and timing makes it hard for people to see the things they like. As the steam powers spreads, there will be more balance in voting. It just take time, this is still the early stages so a few a voices still have alot more sway than most.


im saying because you disagree though doesn't warrant down voting or going onto someones blog and down voting everything out of spite. Also blindly upvoting stolen content or pretending to be someone they are not!

Also people seem not to realize that they just need a relatively small amount of money invested in Steem Power to make themselves "visible ". That issue seems to be fair enough to me.

i have 166.000 SP doesn't make that much difference when people down vote inappropriately

The people downwoting you do not have much SP too, so these downwotes can not affect your reputation.
But what I was trying to say, I see lot of people around who buy a $100k cars just to sale it for $50k after two years. Meanwhile people you call whales now was just smart enough to invest into this platform about $50k two month ago. And now you expect them to rule your world.
Can't we rule our world by ourselves instead?

great sentiment but not so simple in practice. Power rules all. Even if that is Steem Power. :P

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