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RE: Steemit Quest For One Million ... Time required to build a $1,000,000.00 Steemit Account

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Primarily I involve myself with Cryptocurrencies, and items of news interest. That said I have academic knowledge and experience in a variety of arenas; business, finance, real estate, animal health, explosives, passive income creation, urban warfare, and poetry :)


Quite a diverse knowledge base? Care to elaborate on the source of your explosives expertise...? :) But it will exciting to see what this little experiment says about the potential for advancement in the steemit platform

I look forward to seeing your posts.

Have you written an article detailing your experience in urban warfare? Haha

Not yet but I figure I will have to get around to it.. that will need to be a high $$ article so I'll wait till I have some traction here first :)

Urban warfare and poetry? Explosives and academic knowledge? What unexpected combinations!

Eternally curious, I'll be following to see what you come up with.

No problem, thank you for the post..

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