
Thanks for taking the challenge, and congratulations on your win! I still earn a little XP even when losing.

Yep! It's all in good fun, nobody actually loses anything when you lose, everybody gains some. But you gain more if you win!

So the best way to level up is to get many people to fight you! As you are limited in how often you can attack someone yourself

5 for a loss and 20 for a win against relatively equal players. My loss to you may have given you more and me likely 2 to 4 XP.

WOW!!! I was just bested by a level 3! Now, THAT is something to be proud of @pandorasbox! I really think the advantage goes to the person doing the attacking. Perhaps especially if they have a rifle?

Oh my, you're right! I didn't check your stats and I was going to say 'But my stats are pretty good I think!'.. turns out your stats are definitely better! Especially with all those vests. So I too am surprised to have won! I think it has to be sheer luck... you have more guns, more vests and more stats than me in everything except the shotgun.

I wish we could see the combat logs, that should tell us a lot about what's going on behind the scenes!

p.s. Us adventurers shouldn't be fighting eachother! It's those dirty Aristocrats we need to worry about! I've been seeing a lot more of them than Adventurers! Those snobby bastards!!

Oh, I just realized they have some sort of algorithm. If you post/upvote/etc more in the two hours before a battle, you have better chances of winning. Maybe this is why I won? I was steemin' harder than you? I think how hard you Steem is part of how well you fight, anyway

17 battles fought, 12 won. Only really lost the first couple..

My SPF is at 0.9, just .05 below yours. BUT you could be correct there. I'm losing every fight right now. I just woke up, so have not been posting much yet.

I still need to figure out what the SPF stuff does, but doesn't seem like 0.05 should make much of a difference.
I must say my SPF has never been any different than 0.95. Does that mean I am a power poster? A mighty Steemian indeed!

LOL... yea, for sure. Mine was always at 9.5 before, but today is at 9.0.

This Steempunksnet stuff is kind of good for Steemit too... I'm hanging out on people's blog pages much more than before.

Like just now I visited yours, and saw you are running a zombie rpg campaign?!?! Totally awesome! Are you still accepting signups for new players? I've been looking for something like this on Steemit!

Well, I'm glad you found it! The current game is getting close to completion I think. It requires some team-work, which so far has not been happening. I'm trying to encourage the participants to actually TALK to each other and share ideas. Not to mention that each gets a daily up-vote simply for playing. I would love to have you join the next game. You simply watch for the next announcement. I do encourage you to follow along each day to see how the game is played so that when you do begin to play, you already know what you are doing.

We should find a bunch of people who would like to take a semi-serious jab at this! I'm totally up for it. I've got plenty of serious roleplaying experience and would like to do something with a little bit of flair :)

I don't know too many people on here, but I might know one or two who would like to play too and who would do it in a fun way. Once the new game starts be sure to send me a message and give for some time, so we can organize some fun people. Who knows, we may start a trend!

I've posted a sign-up for a new zombie game if you are still interested in joining.

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