Solutions for Frustrated Minnows and realization of Social Justice in Steemit. [Response to @stellabelle's post]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This morning I woke up and first of all came into the Steemit World. Yesterday I wrote my thoughts about the system of "loyalty points", aimed to help Steemit to grow more faster and more stable. And here I saw a post of @stellabelle [A Questionnaire For Whales And Solutions For FRUSTRATED MINNOWS: Comments Are Needed, Don't Have To Upvote], which I have great respect for her sincerity, genuineness and responsiveness.

Also a matter of respect and gratitude that @stellabelle thinks about the Minnows, about the new people who join the Steemit Ocean. Yes, the problem she's trying to solve do really exist. I see it too, as for the present I am the Minnow. The problem is that people are frustrated with not getting enough attention and monetary compensation for their posts. And this creates obstacles to the development of the entire social network, and fills the Steemit World with negative.

Her post generated a great resonance and I will gladly try to answer on her initiative. I will share here some ideas, which may be useful for the entire Steemit community. At least, I really hope so. 

I agree completely - it is discouraging.
I'll be blunt. This system sometimes (more and more) reminds me on the real world economics. 1% of people is holding on to 99% of wealth.
We know very well that this is not sustainable in the long run.
The write and be happy mantra won't help I am afraid.
Your suggestions are valid. You care deeply.
Let's see the reactions of those your questions are aimed at.
Pareto Rule.

20 - 80. Pareto rule.

I reflect on how to improve the Steemit World. And knowing the Pareto rule, I understand that such "unfairness" will always be. In the "real" world and here in Steemit. 20% of people will get 80% of monetary reward, and 80% of people will settle for 20%. But why is this so? What is the true cause?

The cause lies in the different abilities. 20% of people much more talented and intelligent than the rest. And that's normal. That's fine. This natural phenomenon is impossible to change.

The key difference between an animal and a human.

The key difference between an animal and a human is explained very simply.

Strong man helps the weak. But the strong animal eats the weak.

That's all. This is the essence. More developed, talented and intelligent people are supposed to help the less developed, less talented and less intelligent. This is the essence of a human and humanity. If 20% of the people who are the most developed, do not help 80% of people, they actually lost their human essence.

What is social injustice?

This is when the animals principles apply to human society. When the elite (20% of the most developed)  exploits so-called crowd (80% of the less developed). That is a strong human lives at the expense of the weak one. And this is the essence of social injustice.

What is social justice?

This is when more advanced people help the less advanced ones. That's what manifests humanity. If I see someone less talented, I help him to become more talented. If I see someone poor, I help him to become more rich. If I see someone failed in what I've achieved success, I help him. This is true social justice.

So what are my specific proposals.

1. "Family system". The Mentors.

We all come into this world in some family, in some environment. But in most cases in this Steemit World we come alone. And this complicates our adaptation. If we assign a mentor for each new person, and this mentor will support this newbie, it will make life easier for many new residents of Steemit World.

  • So we could make a list of mentors, that is, people who are willing to help newcomers.
  • And novices will choose a mentor from the list.

The mission of the mentor is to support the actions of the novice with votes, suggestions and useful feedback. In particular, the mentor may publish the materials of his ward, just as @gavvet, @jacor, @dragonslayer109, @crazymumzysa and others are doing now.

Mentor gets special privileges, special status, i.e. reputation. The mentor receives no money for his help to the beginner. That is, the mentor acts as a parent. This is true human nature. Strong, advanced people help the weak, inexperienced.

If it is in our community, we will have every right to say that we have implemented social justice.

2. Monetary support of new people.

At the moment, newcomers very difficult to get the money. And you can certainly argue that money is not important, let them learn to make friends and communicate, let them build reputation. However, money is a very powerful catalyst, it is a very powerful tool that you can use both good and harm. According to Robert Kiyosaki, and I totally agree, when the money is used in the educational process, learning takes place much faster.

Once again, the humanity, and therefore social justice is that strong care about the weak. And social injustice means that the strong live off the weak. In other words, when the strong exploit the weak.

The Support Fund for beginners.

The idea is to form a Fund, which the more successful people of Steemit World will fill with money that will then be distributed among the newcomers. Those who are engaged in such charity will receive some "charity reputation" points (angel investors idea). It would be great if Steemit software to highlight such people.

This is similar to how parents feed children. Or how developed countries help underdeveloped. This is the true essence of human nature and the difference from an animal. And this is the essence of social justice. Because social justice is possible only in a society where humanity is manifested, where the more advanced help the less advanced. If instead of compassion the animal psychology would be shown (the strong eat the weak) then what kind of social justice can be said?

Reading the comments under the post of @stellabelle, I met some wonderful thoughts which are worthy of mention.

1. The idea that each Steemian has the opportunity to sell his products and services.

An ecommerce Content Management System powered by Steem, similar to Shopify. This would allow people in the community Steemit to easily set up shopfronts and sell products. People could buy products with their hard earned Steem, or could 'star' (favorite) products via by upvoting. This might also give boutique shops an additional revenue stream.

It is, in my opinion, one of the key ideas of long-term future success. If we want to create the economic system, we need a market for goods and services, that is infrastructure. This infrastructure will make Steem Dollars valuable.

2. Open Source Ecology and tests for beginners.

By the way, I live near that Open Source Ecology location. And I studied the Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage model to learn how to live peacefully among others. They use a very healthy technique which is this: you live there for 6 months and then the people who already live there get to decide if they want you to live there or not. This is necessary to keep a group free of dangerous elements and those who would do harm, since the isolated nature of the group makes people more vulnerable. That system works well for them I believe, since most people who are not ready for such a commitment, end up leaving anyway. I followed one guy who was mentally unstable, and watched how he ended up leaving Dancing Rabbit because he felt he was not mentally able to deal with that kind of new life.

This is a great topic. These mechanisms of adaptation is natural and useful. It would be great to somehow use them in Steemit.

3. About the content quality. "To create the burger and sell the burger".

First and foremost, I can't stress enough the importance of quality content. Additionally, I think it's critical to educate people to the basics of steemit etiquette before trying to teach them how to monetize the platform. I encourage whales to support this idea, or we'll forever be dealing with a massive learning curve from new users.

Yes, this is a great topic. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Human society - a society in which the strong help the weak. And this is education.

However, the quality of the content is not the most important thing. As you can obviously see McDonald's does not do the best burgers. Many can do much better. However, who can sell as good as McDonald's? Many Steemians are creating amazing content, but it remains unnoticed. But those who have gained a reputation who has created a brand, receive a substantial reward sometimes for a very ordinary posts. In any case I don't claim it's unfair. No. This is fair, because to build a reputation, to build a brand - much harder than to write good posts.

Thank you, @stellabelle, and thank you all the Steemians, who are not indifferent to the fate of the project.
Let's continue to look for the best solutions!


Your definition of 'social justice' is more palatable than most and your proposals are good overall.

BTW I usually cringe at the term social justice because it comes off to me as just another facade for socialism and forced wealth redistribution. That to me contradicts how I see 'justice' as something based on natural law. Instead of 'justice' I would use words like 'compassion', 'humanity', 'volunteerism', 'community services/community', 'charity', 'family', 'mutual aid' etc. all of which are important fabrics of society....

A VERY good reply that I agree with and also see so often. It is so common that "minnows" don't like being minnows and ask to be taken care of or DEMAND FAIRNESS. I can see why they feel this way but ultimately that is WHY they still are the way they are. If you want something great then you have to step up and do something great.
With that being said there are without a doubt improvements that can be made to this platform, but that is why I am here and many others is to contribute valuable content/perspective and hopefully influence the whole in a beneficial way for all!

If you want something great then you have to step up and do something great.

I just totally agree with this statement!

Thank you, @quinneaker!

"It is so common that "minnows" don't like being minnows and ask to be taken care of or DEMAND FAIRNESS."

Yes, agree with you. Life is not fair. Get used to it.

Thank you for encouraging words, @steemrollin!
Yes, actually I believe the truth is simple. Or at least, it should sound simple ;)

I totally agree.

This post is terrific. You have really delved into the issues but kept it extremely accessible for readers. And I also appreciate the respect you have shown to @stellabelle and your open-mindedness towards others' perspectives.

@stellabelle has proven time and time again to be one of the most considerate and good natured people on here and deserves the respect!

Definitely, @quinneaker!
She is one of the most valuable people of this Steemit community.

Thank you for your support, @donkeypong!
Largely thanks to your participation, I already feel that I was heard. And that for me is the most important now.

New ideas to help boost entering people into Steemit are great. Adoption is key for success of the platform, lets continue to work together to create a fostering environment for all

Thanks for this, @thebeachedwhale!
Pleased to go ahead with such as you!

Great ideas, just don't think about the money part of Steemit.

Thank you, @acassity!
Well, I think money is quite important part of this project. Money is time. And time is freedom. So to achieve freedom we need some money. That's why money is always as important as a freedom.

Dear @omfedor, you just might have made my day. Because I am seriously thinking about leaving this ship of fools. Or better said boat of sheep :)

I will go through your post later. I will read it slowly and several times. And then come back with some more meaningful reply, I hope :)

This is for you - thanks:

OK, I am more into rock than pop but the title applies :)

Thank you, @ervin-lemark! :)
I already really appreciate your contribution to this.

Very interesting post. But you forgot one thing in your argument.
All else being equal,the more "talented" would enjoy more sucess. All else is not equal, however. If you are a great thinker,but your parents are drug addicts,or you are indebted, or all your friends are depressed working class people.. etc,etc, then your chances of self-realisation very much decrease.
A simple fact of life.

then your chances of self-realisation very much decrease.

Yeah, they do. Just when I said "talanted" I meant those who could have realized their talent. Anyway, thank you that you care, @kooshikoo!

This is an excellent post @omfedor - as it has forced me think, to actually use my brain in an almost completely different way than I am used too. I am new to the steemit community and thus a minnow. My first post, which I was very proud of, has to date made about $1.38 -- monetarily, to myself and I would imagine to everyone else on steemit is a disappointment. Especially, as we see others, like mentioned in your post, come in and with their first post make as much as $10,000. And I can understand that! But to me.., my post was extremely valuable, as it was my first foray into the world of writing that could be critique. And much to my surprise... The comments 'blew me away...' The generosity of my fellow steemers was much more than encouraging -- they were heartfelt, inspiring.., and human. But what caught my eye about this post was the mention of 'humanity.' I fear, from what I see in the world today, is a great lack of it... The 20% seem to be devouring the the 80% at much greater lengths or speed, than in the past. Im a bartender in NYC and I've had a chance to see quite a bit of humanity standing behind the bar.., but as time goes on I see less and less of it! I listen to stockbrokers, hedge fund guys, money manager bitchin' about how they are only going to make 3 million dollars this year and how they have to start looking for a new job. When, if you go just back 25-30 years 3 million was a huge amount of coin. Now, if work down on Wall St and you don't crack billion dollar mark -- you are considered a chump, there to make the higher ups richer. If the steemit community is to not just survive, but thrive -- we need to hold on to that humanity... We need to nurse it and encourage at every level -- minnow or whale! The presence of humanity must not fade away, as I fear it has in our societies... CHEERS -- And Thank You For Such A Thought Provoking Post!

Thank you so much for your meaningful comment, @macksby!

I see the same trends you're talking about. And I'm also alarming. I hope that here we will be able to put into practice these ideas of social justice. However, in order to do this, we must first be very well versed in this matter.

So I really appreciate everyone's contribution to this debate and am very glad that I met someone like you.
Following you from now on ;)

I appreciate your words, more than you no... And I to, am very glad I've had the opportunity to meet and engage with someone like you. As I believe this sort of engagement can only help steemit to evolve. Thanks again @omfedor :))

Congrats on making some money! I too was stoked to get 6 cents for my first post :D

I would like to think that if I was a whale, I would prefer to give my vote to somebody with great content who has not been noticed.

I've read you post, @pheonike, good ideas. However there are nuances. You highlighted the role for the Minnows - vote and show valuable content for the whales and dolphins. And I agree with that. This is a really important part of community life.

However, there are two points.

  1. Most new people are not satisfied with such a role. The question arises, how to come to "win-win" situation. I believe we are able to create mechanisms which will help new people to adapt easier and at the same time the interests of the Steemit company (using your ideas) will not be infringed.
  2. And the second, I can't agree that small fish is now helping the dolphins and whales to pay attention to good content. Home Steemit page by default shows the trending posts. And the first thing people see are those posts that have already got votes from dolphins and whales. This means that most people (who are Minnows) choose from those articles, which were already voted by whales. So in practice this idea is not working right now.

However in general, I like your vision.
Thank you for your thought!

Yeah man I honestly don't care about the money. I would never let money control me or change me. I would stay humble and blessed, cheers.

This is good - to be humble and blessed :) However money is quite important thing. If you have money, you can manage your time. And this is the essence of freedom.

To be under control of money means to believe that money is the source of happiness. To be free from the influence of money means to have another source of happiness. But that doesn't mean not to think about the money and not to have them. At least, this is my vision.

Thank you for your thoughts, @dmacshady!

Yes I totally agree with what you are saying. Having money does create freedom and it is nice to have it on a rainy day. Ok maybe I lied saying it wasn't important lol. Either way I wouldn't get cocky if I got rich overnight. :)

@omfedor in my short time here, you have quickly become a favourite of mine. I like the way you think, and emphasise our personal responsibility in creating the kind of society that we would like to live in. I like the Steem community so far, but I am far more interested in how a huge online community with morality towards their fellow humans would start to translate in society as a whole.

I strongly believe that all of us who complain about the corrupt state of the world, should try our best to act in the "real world"in a way that improves and builds others up. Obviously without being naive!

Well, @onetree, now you become a favourite of mine ;)

I have great respect for each person who wants a responsible human life. So I am very glad to meet another like-minded personality. Thank you!

I'll follow you from now on.

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