Reputation is Everything! How to Live Happily in a Decentralized Virtual Village called Steemit. [Fresh thoughts]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Just yesterday, Steemit was enriched with new feature - reputation system. Frankly, I was waiting for this moment, like many of you. And here's a post by Dan Larimer where he talks briefly about this.

It so happened that my reputation score is equal to 7. And I am pleased. Nice to know that you are appreciated. My wife (@natichi), who has her art-blog here in Steemit, got 6 reputation points. And she is also very happy with it.

The idea that I wanted to share with you today came to me after reading the article by @stellabelle. She boldly challenges the scammers and extortionists who spoil the atmosphere of Steemit world. And this I respect a lot. And her article once again brought me back to the idea that Steemit is a big village.

And therefore your reputation here is everything. 

This formula well understood by the villagers. While some city dwellers have forgotten about it. After all, if the city allows you to quickly change the circle of your communication, the village will not allow it. In the village reputation is the biggest wealth. But in the city you have the opportunity to deceive, to cheat, to behave like an idiot in one place, and to be cute in another. And therefore, naturally the mentality of the city dweller less adapted to life in the Steemit world.

However, Steemit is developing on the base of the Internet. And it uses the latest achievements in the field of information technology. So the villagers will obviously be harder to learn about it.

But the truth remains the same. Reputation is your wealth.

Reputation is the main thing that you have in Steemit. If you are a sane person, you will have friends here. And it is much more important than quick money. What is the point to win the battle and lose the war? Reasonable people will definitely understand what I mean.

I look at Steemit with great optimism. 

I believe that this project is able to reach the 1st place among social networks. I already wrote about this in my previous posts (here and here). Today I read a new article written by Dan where he talks about how Steemit protected from the consequences of hacker attacks. And I was very impressed. I saw even more reasons for the faith in Steemit. And once again I felt that I am in the right place at the right time (and so do you, guys).

And I live in gratitude to all the team that develops this project. Especially to its leaders. Daniel Larimer and Ned Scott did a great job. And obviously, now they also have a lot of work. Sharing the fundamental idea of Steemit (as far as I understand it), the idea of changing the world through changing the way of communication and economy, I really want to be a part of this. So I and my friends who recently signed up here, are now preparing for the launch of our joint project, which is meant to support the development of Steemit community. Let our plans remain a mystery, but I think you'll like it ;)

And, @jesta - thank you a lot for the latest release of the Steem Stats Application! It's fantastic!
Who are still not familiar with this application, check it out here -

Thanks for reading! Feel free to add anything I missed or give me feedback on any facts that are incorrect.


Thank you, Fedor, for your clear vision of reality! It always helps me to see life lessons and pass them successfully. I hope that here you will help many people!

Thanks a lot, @olya, I hope I can find harmonious place in this community :)

Undoubtedly, Fedor!

Interesting post. Well done :)

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