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RE: “星火燎原”筹备计划的一些想法

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello sir,

Good afternoon sir.

First of all take my sincere honor and respect, sir.

I am presenting international English language translation by giving sincere respect to you.

Hopefully you are good at the grace of God.

Thank you very much for presenting your first valuable blog post on wednesday sir.

English version:

Two weeks ago, I have been thinking about whether there is a new way to encourage more people, especially those newcomers, to participate in the Steemit community? The current market is in a downturn because of the significant decline in income (relatively before) This has led many people to start to reduce or even transfer to other platforms. In this respect, we can see from the number of articles contributed by each issue of “Monthly Review”.

I tried to continue to encourage the creation of the Steemit community by means of “subsidy + rewards”, but from the current point of view, the results are minimal, just as the incentives for rewards are temporary, and really need to be developed in the long run. A better mechanism is needed. In combination with the experience of the “Monthly Review” over the past year, I think that it is not enough to rely solely on rewards. From the statistical data, this trend is particularly obvious.

I thought of using the community's current dpos mechanism to delegate proxy voting rights to people who are willing to contribute to the Steemit community, who are passionate and have enough energy and time to infect them around them through their efforts. Some people, thus driving more people to participate and be active.

To put it simply, I will try it first. For example, I will take out some SPs and give them to some people. After a period of time, I will observe the effect. If it is feasible or the feedback is good, I will continue to increase my investment in this area and give more More encouragement and support.

Although my personal efforts are very limited, but "the fire of the stars can poke the original", so I thought of this idea a name, called the "Sparks of the Fire" plan.

In the first issue, I will come up with 10000SP and choose 5 (2000 SP per agent). I think the right candidates are available to them.

If you want to contribute to the development of the Steemit community, you can look at the following points.

1> There is a certain time every day, such as 30-60 minutes;

2> Say your areas of expertise, such as writing, painting, photography, singing, poetry, etc.;

3> The key is to have responsibility and enthusiasm, enthusiasm can be exciting, and responsibility will let you persist and work hard to accomplish something that you think is great.

If you have the above conditions, you can contact me in the comment area or WeChat private chat (WeChat: rivalhw note: Spark).

Thank you again for your efforts, let us work together to make the development of the Steemit community better! 

Dear visitor friend, please visit the link and see the image:

Sir, accept my sincere honor and love.

I pray that you and your family should stay healthy.

Have a great day sir.

your most obedient,


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