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RE: Let's raise the bar on Steemit in 2017!

in #steemit7 years ago

There are a few whales I see voting for good content regularly, that is, original, well-made content that took some effort to produce. The problem still is that you need the odd whale vote to make some money. Some posts get under $1 @ over 230 votes. That can be frustrating, but it is still more than you get on other social media, and you get to keep the copyrights as well.


@ocrdu...thank ing for supporting what I am saying...equitable voting would change the inequalities!

I'm not sure the playing field should be level, but a little flatter would be nice. A vote by somebody who has produced good content often (and has made money by doing so) can be worth more, that's a good thing, I think.

At the moment, it doesn't matter much if you have 100 or 5000 steem power, your vote is worth sweet f.a., and the numbers aren't there yet to make the votes add up to something substantial. And, as always, some content is more commercial than other content, sometimes the audience for certain types of content simply isn't there (yet).

So, if you don't approve, spoof! I'm thinking about making a photo of a fully naked woman holding a sign that says: "Taxation is theft! Get some money back at Steemsports! Leftists not allowed!", maybe with some Dollarvigilante advice in the background. That should make me rich.

But, to be honest, I'm doing fine here. More money is always welcome, but it's not what makes or breaks Steemit for me.

My point was that content is dictated by what makes money only here and nothing else so the level of postings are usually pretty low and sucking up to what the money holders may like, lets say a whale is big on flowers, photos of flowers regardless of how well they are done get high money and other posts that share an opinion about, life, philosophy etc. even if brilliant get zip because the whales may have a different point of view...

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