How I made $850 in cryptocurrency!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Gained $850 from investing and blogging!


About a month and a half ago I had saved up $120 from chores. My dad had his money in Poloniex at the time and he said to me if I wanted to put my money in their to. I said yes but I was nervous if I was going to lose all my money, but the exact opposite happened to me. I put all my money into a coin that I thought that would shoot up and it did! My money went up to $530, then I took it out of the coin and put it all into Bitcoin. Ripple fell a little after I took it out so I am glad that I did, but Bitcoin took a fall but luckily it went back up. After it healed from the fall it took another huge fall. It was hard to just see the money falling but my dad said just to hold and I did. Happily it healed again. And then once more it fell, this was the biggest fall so far. I had $750 and it went down to $500, this was so hard not to sell because it went down $250. I am glad I didn't sell. Now its almost all the way healed, I have $680.
I also got a bunch of random coins sometime ago, which was a bad idea because 99/100 coins will just not make it. There business will just basically disappear. I took my money out of those coins and put it into coins I trusted like BTC, ETH, LTC, STEEM, and DASH. there are a few more but I have most of my money into these.


After all this my dad and I started Steemit. I started posting for a week then my dad then started to post every one and then, also my brother. My sister did her first post about her trip she went on so hopefully she'll be posting more. When we first started Steemit we didn't get that much money on posts but after we started gaining followers I have like at least $20 a post. I never thought that we would make so much money on just posting about anything we wanted. I calculated the money I gained on poloniex and Steemit (on the posts I did) and I got a total of $850! I never would have thought a month and a half ago that I have have gained $850.

Here is a picture of when I first started on Poloniex:

Any questions?

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments!


Wish you good luck for future

Welcome my friend keep the good work always on :)

no problem, I'm going to have a blog probably this weekend that goes over a complete portfolio of cryptocurrency.

Don't forget to send me the link of that :)

I will make sure of it. :)

:) nice to meet you my friend.

likewise, may we both get financially wealthy from Steemit. ;)

keep it up and remember the more work you put into the blogging the more followers you will get and that will increase your earnings.

My advise is not to do any trading, but if you must don't be too proud to ask your fathers advise, I know us old people can seem very conservative but better safe than sorry

I will :D. Thank you for commenting!

Hey this is her dad :) I am not conservative, just bought 10,000 in ANS. ;) Happy Steeming.

Well, this definitely seems like the case where she's trading less than what she can afford to lose so it's safe :)

Exactly, plus I pay my kids for their jobs they do in crypto, so Im proud they are learning about steemit and the new tech that is out there.

So Uhh.. this is a joint account for father-daughter ? Nice lol

Yes, my family posts on different topics, we will try and tag the posts with our names.

You're a cool dad, Mark. Wish I was introduced to crypto when I was 12 lol.

Thanks Joeseph :) Im grateful the kids are a little older so I can take the time and teach them what I know about mining coins, transferring coin and all the mistakes I made in the early beginnings of the crypto world. Steem is going to be huge, I will be looking for more of your posts. Hope you have a nice rest of your day.

Legit. Nice work!

Thank you! :D

Inspiring, I upvoted you. Wish I was as smart as you when I was 12

My dad was the one that really got me into Poloniex so I am very grateful that he did. :D Followed you :3

Keep going and advertise

Great job! Really impressed by you and happy you got such great parents !

I have invested in STEEM, SIA, WGR and BAT.

Steem UP! 😉

Oh forgot, the exchange I am.using is Bittrex.
Polo seems a bit off for my taste

My dad is using that, I might to. :D

Very good post and more success to you. Those coins are the good ones...can add Monero too.

Thank you! I will look into that coin. :D

Welcome. Following you in order to read more posts from you as I enjoy your posts. Lets stay in touch

Sure! Followed back :D Thanks for commenting!

Great, we will surely stay in touch

Following the leader ey. Doing well.
At your age and you are doing this. I wonder what the future will be like for kids. Using the internet at 12 for us was a whole different story.

Yeah I wonder that too... Followed :D

nice post.....question, what are your views on steemit and poloniex?

Views on Steemit are the people who clicked on your post to read it. On Poloniex I don't know.


sorry but the question was, placing steemit and poloniex side by side, which one do you think is more reliable based on your experience on poloniex and now on steemit?

Oh! sorry didn't realize... They are both pretty reliable, I never had a problem with my money just disappearing or anything. On Poloniex you can lose a lot of money though and if you have your money in Steemit its very stable and you can also gain money in posts. So if you don't want to take a chance with losing your money from putting it in a bad coin and slowly gain money you should just do Steemit. If you want to take a chance with your money do Poloniex. I personally believe people should do both because you can make money on both and that is what I doing. Thanks for commenting!

So cool that you were able to invest and make even more crypto! We are just getting started in investing in crypto and we're 14 & 16. Our parents have been involved for years but we just started using our own money from chores to invest. We like the crypto currencies that we can earn through staking. Which crypto-currencies do you recommend for beginners?

Probably the ones that I have like, BTC, ETH, LTC, STEEM, and DASH. Don't worry if they go down because these coins always go back up. Thanks for commenting!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 61137.27
ETH 2383.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52