
The Steem blockchain of which Steemit is just one frontend is a growing ecosystem.. it will not be done as you claim.

You are hoping so...but it's not guaranteed.

a lot more guaranteed than your sky is falling supposition.

Hmmm, you are not very objective. Statistics are on my side.

right well as you should know ... statistics show that 99.9% of statistics is bullshit

This is the 0.1% then. More business models fail than succeed.😜

Steemit is hardly the sky...

and you're hardly credible yet both you and the sky exist

To your first part- that's your your second- that's a Strawman Argument. Please refute a specific point I make or each one, please.

When you make some valid points I might take the time to give a damn what you think. In the meantime, I have some actual work to do. I'll leave the trolling up to you.

Yet you felt the need to reply, but with zero content...

Ah, your personal opinion stated as fact. They are my valid thoughts and only the future can judge the true validity of my reasonings. Good day😜

That's an interesting analysis. Do you see anything on the horizon that would fit your prediction?

People don't like having uneven voting weights. They prefer to be equal. Also, Minds started around the same time as Steemit, yet is three times the size. This is inspite the fact they don't earn on Minds Yet.

Also, Steemit runs like crony capitalism, which few like. Sola just came out this year and already has over 100, 000 unique users from google playstore alone. Steemit just hit 1 mill after over two years?

I created 3 accounts on Steemit and most users have multiple accounts, so at best half the accounts are unique, but you and I both know it's less.

Steemit simply isnt drawing the masses, not keeping the majority they do draw and morale over bots and value is very low...

If you think the average user has a positive opinion of Steemit, then you don't understand the system. Negativity is frowned upon. I could keep going, but feel this is enough, @digitalfirehose

Sola is more like Instagram than Steemit.

And yes, there are some problems with Steemit, but I'm finding that the community can deal with them. I just joined @thesteemengine a few days ago, and already, I'm seeing measurable improvement in my earnings. No longer am I groping in the dark for to gain visibility. The Steem Engine has given me a new hope for my work here on Steemit.

As to your cronyism concerns...I may have just the thing for you:

Steemit is a gift economy, first and foremost. While there are concerns about quality to be sure, it is the community that matters.

Write on.

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