
Except they were duplicated.

cmp2020 and cmp2020-pb.PNG



There's the block from the hive explorer showing how many funds I had that were transferred out of my account.

Lol, it wasn't transferred...and you know this!

Just a FYI, I voted to approve all airdrops. So I believe you deserve the mirrored funds, but again, nothing was taken from you.

Thank you very much for your vote! I appreciate it a lot!

I must say that I disagree, but what's in the past is in the past. I'm just never gonna use Hive.

Again, thanks a lot!

Or you can use it (with 5 HP) and keep explaining people that Hive is a fork, where your funds have been duplicated and deleted in these transactions you showed.

Because you are totally right. Just be ready to end up -12 rep

Yeah, I am already on the spamminator list. I don't care enough to stick around until I'm downvoted to negative 12. I didn't vote for centralization, and now I am going to use the platform that hasn't disrespected and disowned me.

I hear they are treating even you bas over there on hive lol. Watching them gloat about it is particularly disturbing. Sorry, off-putting is a better choice.

Their funds were duplicate and now in the @steem.dao acc. Source :

  • @steem.dao wallet has 445,051 HBD and 83,370,205 HIVE which is slowly being converted into more HBD for the DAO
  • the 83 million HIVE and 164000 of the HBD represent Steemit's Stake and those accounts which supported Justin Sun's witness takeover, this currency injection is new to the Decentralized Hive Fund

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