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RE: New Steemit Ring!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

I don't need to prove anything to you. You came at me with your insults, and now you're pouting and resorting to saying the same thing over and over. Why should I have to go through the process of explaining the things you don't understand, to you, when you already know everything? You'll make every attempt to counter anything I say and you'll use ridiculous examples to prove a nonexistent point. You'll ramble on for days on end, never getting anywhere. Do you want me to change my position? Why do even care so much about what I think? You're wasting your time.


I came at you? I guess you coming to my post to talk shit was me coming at ou? or you writing a post then telling me it has a message in it for me was also me coming at you. oh yeah this is the person that said its threat to say you will defend yourself.


I guess me pointing out that all you have done is dodge points, not back up any clims, and just resort to add homn attacks even though its true and all you can do is saying the same thing over and over. I can back up my points. you cant provide one single citation for any of your claims.
I have not claime to know everything. you are the one making statements and claims. all I have done is ask you to back them up. you cant so you resort to add homn.

I haven't needed to counter anyting as you have not brought anything fo substance to this. you move the goals change the subject and resort to add homn. lol

I don't care what you think I have only asked you to try to back up the flase claims you have made. you have not even tried. cause they are all lies and you know it. getting upset and resorting to petty name calling and subject changing is only showing how full of shit you are and proving me right.

so thanx again for proving me right and showing everyone how much so.
Good Job!

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