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RE: New Steemit Ring!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

The views came after the view counter was put in place. I share some of my articles on another blog. I wrote about it awhile back, and your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory doesn't check out.

Here's one from three days ago with an included message for you. I hope you continue to have your meltdown. Everything you say these days is a farce. You said up there, "why can't people just talk it out." Look how you speak to people. You're acting like a little baby. You want to prove everyone wrong, and when they prove you wrong, you pout and fly off the handle.



my melt down happened from the flags rght before your comment. I was actually enjoying that. I will respond to this when I get back on as I cant deal with the stupidit right now.

if you have been keeping track you would see the conversations I was having about the flags ad the same flaggot/bots hit me less then 2 min after posting.

you think you proved me wrong about the views but nothing elese and the fact that you think your retarded shut up vodeo had anything to do with my losing it just show how full of yourself you are over 60 views. tin foil hat about the bots? you sound like you are in on it or ignorant of the number of bots.
as I said ill do an atual reply prolly tomorrow to this comment as you are making a fool of yourself.
yay 60+ views. like I said my shit posts get that many.


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