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RE: A Possible Cure For Steem?

in #steemit7 years ago

STEEMit appeals to the selfish nature of humans to lure them in and then relies in the good will of the whales to show them a better world is possible...

There will always be gold diggers around this kind of thing.

It is up to us to shape it for better by investing and using the rewards system for encouraging good behavior.

The whales are already made and most of the initiatives to boost minnows and help them come from them or are financially backed by them.

I think on one side it is too late to change that, on the other side, your solution evens on the low side (instead of pulling up the minnows power you suggest to remove the whale's power) That is the equivalent of Marxist impoverishment to achieve an equal society...

We want to fix it? We need to work together as minnows to achieve influence as a whole.

When we start doing that, the inequalities of this system and other system's will be a thing of the past.


Many thanks for your input. It takes many heads to come up with a good solution.
You mentioned:

We need to work together as minnows to achieve influence as a whole.

This is absolutely true, but did you know that even if all the minnows actually agreed on something and voted en mass, their total vote strength would be a tiny fraction of the few whales? There is such a huge discrepancy in power that no matter what the minnows do, the whales can easily overpower them. I think the numbers are something like 1% control 90% of the vests.

That might be the truth now, but the sooner we start to work together, the faster we will be able to change that my friend.

Inmediate solutions are what have driven the world to the disaster that is today

I whole-heartedly agree with you there!
I run a weekly SBD giveaway with the intention of forming a self-help support group that does NOT include the use of vote-bots (I believe they are damaging the SOCIAL aspect of this site). I would be pleased to have you as a regular participant and contributor to that effort.

Well there are good bots and bad bots.
What you are describing sounds very similar to what i'm trying to implement in small scale for Venezuelan Steemians, and i think if we have a chat we both can share and expand our goals and points of view.

I can resume my main strategy into: using the techniques of evil to make good...

For example i made a twitter bot that monitors and auto Retweets #ServicioPublico hashtags in twitter during the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.
If you autorize it your account helps spread the message requesting medical supplies... (You become part of a good bot-net)

I'm working in an ethical voting bot for encouraging participation in an Ágora (A pilot for my country but that can be replicated in every society)

Oh yes, that sounds wonderful. I'm certain that there are ways to do good using automation. However, this is a SOCIAL PLATFORM, so when we automate functions that should be done by humans, we remove the Social aspects from the platform. Many of the vote-bots were made with the intention of doing good, but there are side effects that were not expected. Of course some of those vote bots were made with the sole purpose of making more money for the creator of the bot. Unfortunately, both types do cause undesired side effects.

I have no clue about programming and creating these bots, so I do admire those who are able to do that sort of thing. I would be very happy to chat with you about working together for a common goal.


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