🐳 Why you should use @buildawhale ASAP🐳

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am not sure if you read the announcement from @buildawhale recently or if you did you might have missed one huge aspect of it. This is the possibility of getting some substantial upvotes on your post very soon. BUT, only if you use the @buildawhale service. Ill explain more below.

This post is my own and not sponsored by @buildawhale or its owner. Other than the gun to the back of my head right now 🤥, this is done purely out of the love for this project and the simple fact that I know a lot of people are missing out on a huge importunity.


Who am I and what do I do?

So if you didn't already know, I am one of the Chief Curators for @buildawhale. The other being Queen B, @bethalea. One of the things about this role is that it has been amazing for me to interact with Steem community in a whole new way. I used to have the time to really read a lot of posts. Nowadays, sorry for the upcoming excuses, there are so many projects that I am working on that it really is hard to find time to scour the deep reaches of articles on this platform.

Other than working with @buildawhale (BAW) I am co-creator of Community Casino. This is a project that will hopefully be huge one day. I am also working with python, graphic design, web design and of course crypto investing. Among many other things. I like to learn and continually become better at what I do.

So why has it been a new experience?

This project has almost forced me to read and check out posts that generally do not get any attention. While there are always the spam posts and posts just taking advantage of the bots, there are also a lot of good content creators out there. I have started coming across great authors over and over again. Some may not like bidding bots for many different reasons that I am not getting into since it is outside the scope of this post. But one thing I have noticed lately is that BAW has changed this for many.



Well first reason is the creator, @themarkymark, is pure genius. But while that plays apart about him, it is his dedication. He has continued to have remarkable ideas and continuously puts more into the platform, BAW and into Steem in general. He is also a new witness to Steem and has even created a node for many projects to use and help the platform become more efficient. He is currently the Administrator of this Node through @BuildTeam.


Steem Witness

Very quickly i'll explain why I am such a huge supporter of his for his witness campaign, if the reasons above aren't enough. He is someone who loves to teach what he knows. I know this from personal experience knowing him. He is always willing to give me time to help with Steem-Python or other Workflow type issues I am having, and there are a lot. His patience here is not only held in reserve for me but for many. I understand personally how busy he is and yet he finds the time to help the community all over the place. And individually in many cases. This dude cares. Is dedicated to Steem. If that isn't enough then why are you even voting for a witness at all?

Why you should have been using BAW

The general reason to use BAW is more than evident for most. You place a bid and you will receive a share of one 100% upvote per ⌛ bidding round ⌛. He has always strived for, and I am sure will continue to, to make sure everyone gets as much profit as possible. That's why he continues to add Steem Power delegations to help this. He has lost a lot of his own money making sure the windows are fair.

A second reason for using BAW is for the gain in reputation from the upvote. So now you are getting your money back, in most cases, and also getting some reputation value too. But wait there is more...

Curation. So now you have placed a bid for the bot. Received an upvote and boosted your rep you also have a chance to be curated and placed into one of the Mon-Fri curation digests. Now this all depends on your content. Not how much you bid, just that you bid on that particular article. Bare in mind that the curators all have their own perspective on "good content."


Why you need to now

This is were it gets really exciting. It is crazy how huge this is for BAW customers. I will try to not get too excited and keep calm explaining the impact this can have. OK OK so what is going on? Well Steemvoter.com has an option for Guild Votes. This has been used in the past to upvote good content based on previous voting on their posts. BUT NOW, this guild vote will be issued to one of the BAW curated posts as much as a few times a week. While we don't know what the upvotes will be worth exactly, but it could be up to 💲150 possibly. Do you see the importance of using BAW yet?

There are so many aspects of BAW that I have mentioned above that set it apart, GREATLY, from other bots on SteemIt. It doesn't take a genius to see this.

How to use BAW

The minimum is now 1 SBD effective 10/29/17


My first witness vote was for @themarkymark .One of the coolest dudes on the platform and sure knows what he's doing.He sure not trying to sell you stuff like "I'll make you an account for 50 SBD"

I will try to use this service to see the ROI in future.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how this is different from most other bid bots. The fact that he curates as well doesn't really impress as I haven't seen any proof resteems from accounts like this drive any traffic to said posts.

Thanks a lot sir, for explaining it so beautifully. The reputation part is very attractive

Thanks a lot sir, for explaining it so beautifully. The reputation part is very attractive

I used this service at least three times, giving me 100% money back.
I had used other promotion services but none had given me the same return.

I just started using the service a week ago.. it's same ROI as boomerang. I used to use randowhale but it's sleeping 90% of the time and I'm tired of checking on it. I have some SBD so I'll try to use @buildawhale more.

It's a good time to get in. Lots of opportunities for the participants right now.

what’s the opportunity? I sent 1 SBD and got 1 SBD back :)

Read "Why you should have been using BAW" and "Why you need to now" above

no I read it.. there are manual curators I gather and I just used it.. so I'm guessing my blog wasn't so good or it would have been upvoted a little higher?

The BAW upvote doesnt change. AND No, it doesn't mean your post wasn't good enough. There are a lot of articles to go through and also different people reading and picking their favorite content. There is no guarantee that "good content" will be picked up, but there is a good shot at it. Keep it up. You are on the right path.

After skimming a few of your posts, you are writing good content. Stick with it. Like I said in the article, there are many benefits. Hopefully you will gain from them as well. :)

thanks nicnas glad I happened upon your blog! I’ll keep trying buildawhale!

BAW has a curation digest (human-reviewed) and massive Guild Votes for the best curated posts in the digest. It's more than a bid-bot vote.

A week ago I sent booster 3sbd it gave me upvote worth around 1.2sbd. How unfain :(:( , I may try BAW now, Can I use steem too?

We only take SBD as STEEM is used for our Sponsored Curation.
We have considered switching to STEEM but don't think it would be well received.

Thanks for your reply @buildawhale . I have some steem available so it would be a better way to spend my steem since I don't have that much sbd( newbie here, you know how hard it is to be a newbie without any investment). Anyway I'll be trying your service very soon.
and by the way what is sponsored curation??

You can convert STEEM to SBD instantly on the market. Most orders are immediate.

Sponsored Curation is 3 STEEM and allows you to be featured in our daily Curation Digest without competing against 300+ posts a day to get in. It doesn't give you an upvote, but allows you to gain a lot more exposure and followers if it is valuable content.

thank you so much for the info😀

Upvoted and Followed! :-)
Interesting. New here and still learning.
Thanks for sharing! :-)


Thanks for the simple explanation. :D Am now gonna try @buildawhale out thanks to you.

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