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RE: Okay — Stay Calm — Paint Picture — Say Nothing

in #steemit6 years ago

I do care about this and your thoughts are great perspectives that should give more people here the opportunity to reflect what to do both as individuals and as a group during these times. The changes seen in the development of the ecosystem have been plenty but seems to have gone too broad to fast which probably has had an impact of its external attractiveness to your analysis. However, I think we are getting to an inflection point where decisions will need to be made by the community and its backers to focus on the areas that will create value and adoption.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Want to know what worked really good, for a long time, and made this place appealing?

Actual content and actual curators curating actual content.

I can't figure out why I'm seeing such a huge decline in engagement and rewards going to the actual content. I noticed start happening a long time ago. I also noticed many people now sell their votes here and post elsewhere. I also noticed vote sellers acting like cheer leaders instead of looking at themselves in the mirror. Say one thing, but do the opposite...

Agreed! I have seen more and more about vote selling but can’t understand how that benefit anyone... unless you are just dumping money here for a return... I was actually thinking of giving it a try when I go on vacation to see what it does compared to my manual curation efforts but I am struggling to see the long term sustainability of doing so...

Posted using Partiko iOS

There isn't any long term stability. If everyone wanted to purchase votes so they could jockey for position on the trending page (they sell the idea as a way to give posts "visibility"), the model would collapse within a day. All members who paid for a top slot would get buried within a few seconds by the next one who paid for a top slot. That means the buyer would not get what they pay for, it would be a waste of money and the more expensive the slots become, the more the seller makes, the less the buyer gets. Meanwhile, the thousands of people who do not participate in this madness get buried, they're content stands no chance of reaching the top slots. The top slots are not owned by those offering the top slots with paid votes. They're simply exploiting a flaw in the UI, for profit, and they don't care how many people it hurts because the goal is short term. Long term is impossible because like I said, the moment the business model becomes as successful and makes as much money as it possibly can is the very moment the entire model falls in on itself. It's a disaster in the making and could potentially destroy the entire economy here, along with the community.

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