5 Proven Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated in Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have reached a great milestone of 200 followers here in steemit. Thanks to everyone to support me enjoy this platform. So here I am with a new post on this occassion which I hope will help everyone reach greater milestones.

Blogging is something which I learned by myself and always wanted to help others by blogging. I chose blogging first as a hobby and which later turned out to be my passion. Blogging seems to be a lot easier to outsiders when you know how hard you have tried just to craft a blog post. It takes one or a couple of sleepless nights and strained eyes still looking for some datas or reading others posts looking for ideas for your next blog post.

I discovered Steemit about a month ago and have been actively sharing my stories, experiences and whatever I have learned in my blogging career till now. Its not that I have been doing actually great in terms of SBDs or SP but it feels great to share your knowledge and read the valuable words of others at the same time.

Yes I admit that my early days on Steemit has been real frustrating to me as it is for most of the newbies on steemit. I was trying hard to write a lot of crafted blog posts but still end up without making a dollar on any posts. But I have realised that Patience and hard work is what is needed for the success on steemit after reading a lot of blog posts from the sucessful steemians. So this post is dedicated to all the newbies and also some steemians like me still trying to figure out what it takes to write a 100$ blog post. I will be writing on how I motivate myself whenever I am frustrated here on steemit. I hope these will be helpful for you as well to make patience to get the aspired success of blogging here in steemit.

1. Blog For Yourself First

Before you think about a topic that you think may be the next great post of the category, think about a post you are good at. Write about something that makes you happy or the thing you are deadly passionate about.
I have been sharing a lot about myself and everything I am passionate about. If you are good at cooking, write a complete post on making some yummy dish. If you are passionate about engineering then make a post on how you make an automobile or anything like that :p . In this way you can write an indepth article with all your heart , make it your masterpiece and I'm sure that will be the next great post on steemit.

2. Making Connections

I think this one is an important step to keep yourself motivated and at the same time get some suggestions of your work which may eventually help great on steemit. There are many great chat groups on steemit.chat and discord server which you can join and start making connections through text chats. Another great way to make loyal connections in steemit is commenting. Choose from the tags of your interest and click on blog posts and start commenting valueable feedback and your queries after reading the complete blog post. But make sure you don't comment something like "nice posts" or "follow me" or else you may end up getting flagged.

3. Expectation Hurts

This heading actually feels like it is for a relationship tips post :p but I think expecting too much is what demotivates us in this platform. Excepting is good after we write a blog posts with a lot of hard work and research. But never expect too much that your every post will do good in terms of earnings. We are still learning and there'll one day we'll be making the figures on the posts as today's whales or successfull steemians are making.

4. Stay Away From Those Who Demotivates You

When I joined steemit I met some people on different chat server and in my daily life as well who demotivated me about blogging. But I was not among the one who would give up on their words.
Stay away from these people and don't get yourself demotivated from the negative feedbacks on your blog posts. Rather take those as suggestions to improve your blog posts.

5. Give up your Social Media Fever

As I stated above you need a lot of motivation and hard hours to be successfull on steemit. How can you concentrate on your great post when you see your friend posting his great holiday pics on social media profiles?
I actually deleted my facebook profile before I joined steemit and all I care about is Steemit now. Steemit is the future of social media and blockchain based content publishing site. So take your time away from social media dramas and invest it in steemit.

Final Words

Saying all these don't make it so hard on you as well to get success on steemit. Keep writing and publishing your master peices on steemit and never give up. There are always someone like you who will really appreciate your articles. Don't stop writing just because you are getting negative feedbacks or not making enough SBDs. One day your hard work will pay for sure. And remember you are just one post away from making it big on steemit and your next article may be the one that accelerates your steemit blogging career.

Words of Gratitude

I know reaching a 200 followers milestone is not a great deal but it has added more energy for me in steemit. There have been many supporters who have made my journey even inspiring in steemit. I would take this oppprtuinity to thank @surpassinggoogle for his help whenver I need them. Thanks to @phareism, @acidyo, @curie, @steemiteducation for their curation helps. I would also like to thank @virus95 for his constant help, @rexusmo for his contests, @anomadsoul whose contests have make me capable on steemit. I would thank every follower of me on steemit and everyone reading my posts. Thank you so much everyone.

All images taken from Unsplash and are copyright free.


Its all about persistence. I have no use for facebook or twitter anymore. My media time is all steemit and i enjoy the interaction so much more than i used to.
Im still a minnow but at least i have some people who are consistantly interacting with my posts. Makes a difference.

The interactive followers are the best thing about steemit and more precious that the sbds of your post. Keep up your persistency and I'm sure there will be loads of sbds waiting for you.

I am very impressed with your way of thinking,, I believe in same sort of things and now I am back to full dedication on Steemit.com
I know how it all works

"Make friends" is the one great thing that we need to hunt for.
Keep Steeming and the addiction grows

That's great. Steemit is a great platform and let's make it great for everyone. And I'd say lwt the addiction grow because it is for something good. Thank you for stopping by.

I agree with you. Start blogging with something that you're passionate about. I'm passionate about fitness. I write about life and healthy living. Stay connected with like-minded people. That will motivate you to keep moving!

Now I'm one of your followers. Thank you @neupanedipen for sharing this. Maybe you will find my posts interesting as I found yours.

That is what the spirit of blogging is. Thank you for stopping by. I will check your blogs for sure. Thank you!

Very interesting! I'll keep all in mind :). I felt that number 3 haha

Thank you so much. Lol the expectations that are not complete is what demotivates us the most.

@neupanedipen Keep up and you’ll hit 1000 followers soon. You write useful content! About your post, I couldn’t agree more about leaving the standard social media site like Facebook for Steemit. Most of us spend so much time there and we’re receiving no utility nor any meaningful compensation for it. Further, I’m new to Steemit but I’ve been blogging about food since 2010. The concept of Steemit just blows my mind. It makes me think what the hell I was doing in those other platforms. Anyways, I’ll stop my rant here :D you got my follow! Have an awesome day

Its great to hear the similar stories like myself. Welcome to steemit. And the followers I'm actually looking are the interactive ones and not just in numbers. Thank you for stopping by and for the follow.
I hope you'll have a great time in steemit.

Most of the people don’t see results for a few months after joining the platform.
Going through the same phase, but the good thing is I got to know some great people here. And it is easier for me to search for the quality content on this platform. Good to see this post.

Consistency is the key to success and it takes time to see success in steemit.
Hunt for the topics you are actually passionate about and I'm sure success is just a great post away from you.
Best of luck and thank you for the comment.

I just glance at some of the words and I found one good quote... IF you permit me to use this blog? Is this possible?


If you are talking about using some quotes from this post to your post then you can use them as quotes with some credit I guess. Thank you!

By all means I will give credit all to you, sir!

Thank you sir! 😊

Congratulations on the 200 followers. I, myself have just turned 2 weeks old yesterday but nowhere near what you have achieved so far. But your advice helps. Thank you for sharing. What do you usually blog about?

Thank you so much! There are no specific topics I am blogging about now. But I have been blogging about topics related to Blogging itself, my experiences, some what crypto related topics as well and some travel posts as well.

In less than two months you've learned the core understanding of how Steemit should work. That's visible not only by the milestones that you've reached, but by the way you've written this post - it's genuine and useful to other steemians !

Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope this will help other newbies gain some motivations in steemit.

Thanks for the reassuring words. Vigilance is needed, for sure. Some folks may start doing blogging and realize they don't have much to say. If this breaks the person and they move on, that's fine and is normal. For many this is a method of figuring out who you are, as by doing so you'll find something to write about.

That's actually the point. Thank you for stopping by to read the article and leaving your valuable comment.

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