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RE: my posts dont show up on feeds because im getting flagged by bots instantly

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

You might have to live with it @skeptic. You are edgy, you're hip! You skirt the borderlines. Wear your flags with pride, as long as you are still in the positives.

I will agree that the auto-flagging is lame though. At least when I flag, I do it by hand.


i got a question for u. if what abit says is true above this comment then........
by flagging a post it adds the pay out to the pool of steem made that day, if people cant flag the whales and remove their pay outs aren't they only doing it so they get more as a pay out? if they are getting the pay out because it goes back into the pool for them to get oisnt that stealing but instead of keeping it all they are sharing it amongst the whales that cant have their pay outs removed because they have to much steem power?

taking money from one person to spread amongst another group sounds like theft to me if they know the money goes back to their comments and posts they upvote and get paid out on.

am i wrong that the money goes back into the same pool the whales get paid out from?

couldn't they basically go around and flag everyone that isn't part of their group to keep all the money to them selfs and to make sure no one rises up in steem power to do it back to them? starting to seem rigged to me.
ned seems to be ignoring my reply to him. i was actually hoping for input but im now thinking he only left the comments as a snarky haha.

It is true that all posts and comments are rewarded from the same daily pool. You can see this pool if you look at under "total_reward_fund_steem" which today is about 62,216.261 STEEM. or about 10203 SBD (give or take). One interesting consequence of this is that if everyone didn't vote that day, but then one minnow voted for a post. That post would receive the entire 10203 dollars!

If a whale votes on a post and gives it 100$, that value is sucked from all the other posts, and you can see that sometimes, when a post of yours is worth 3.79 and then a few minutes later, it's 3.73 (and the votes didn't change).

So if a whale flags a post from 20 to 0, is that stealing? That 20 is freed up and becomes available to rest of the posters (whale or otherwise) of course the whales have the most power to give themselves that pool.

but..but..this is something you really need to understand. Where does that 10000$ pool come from in the first place? Money doesn't get created from nothing, you know that. The daily pool sucks value from all holders of Steem , through the inflation tax. I have about 60000 steem in my account, if I have a lazy day, and do nothing here (which does happen), time still passes, and posters get rewarded with steem and SDB (which gets turned into more steem) some of that value comes from my savings. It comes from the savings of all holders of Steem. And who holds the most Steem? The whales of course.

So is it not fair, that the whales, who have the most value to lose each day from the inflation tax, should have the most power to determine who benefits from their loses?

I hope that helps.

edit: I was only talking about money still in the reward pool. Once it's paid to you, no one can take it.

the money is created by the 100% inflaton steem has on it.

whales flagging other posts and putting the pay out in the pool ups their pay outs though right? is that not stealing from one person so they get paid out some of the cash that is stolen? also if whales cant have their pay outs removed because of the amount of steempower they have wouldn't it be safe to say it is set up so the rich can remove pay outs to add to their pay outs but not the other way around?

So is it not fair, that the whales, who have the most value to lose each day from the inflation tax, should have the most power to determine who benefits from their loses?

steemit is 100% inflation so the amount of steempower has nothing to do wih the rate of inflation. they are removing others pay outs so the reward pool they get to take from has more in it.

can anyone remove whale pay outs to go back into the pool to pay out minnows or is it set up so only whales can abuse others to make sure they get all the pool money amongst friends?

sounding like a pool of candy with the whales only letting everyone else have one piece so they can take thousand each.

also you know the whales are going to try to benefit from it as much as they can so of corse they would steal from the poor to stay richbecause iof they don't it sounds like a bunch of peole would be getting paid out more and the whales would be getting paid out less if it wasent for the theft of payouts going back into the pool that i guess only whales can take from or they deciede not to flag you and let you take a little.

is it possible to take whale pay out and put them back into the pool for everyone else like they do to us? or is it just abuse of power and people looking away as they would rather take the blue pill and pretend it never happened?

if it cant be done back to the whales its rigged and not capitalism like claimed more like socialism. taking from one person to spread amongst others that the whales take advantage of and take them selfs.

Ok, let's try a really simple example. Lets say that Steemit has 100% inflation.
day A = 1 steem is worth 1 dollar
Mr. Minnow has 5 steem = 5 dollars
Mr. Whale has 50000 steem = 50000 dollars

then 100% inflation occurs

on Day B = 1 steem is worth 0.5 dollars
Mr. Minnow has 5 steem = 2.5 dollars
Mr. Whale has 50000 steem = 25000 dollars

Minnow lost 2.5 dollars
Whale lost 25000 dollars

The whale has the most to lose.

Steemit is capitalism at it's finest. No one is forcing you to be here. You are here at Steemit of your own free will, because you believe it will benefit you somehow, either with money, or entertainment, or learning, or whatever.

Otherwise, maybe you are a masochist?

Otherwise, maybe you are a masochist?

LOL. Very likely.

but they all lost the same %
its not like whales lost more % wise.

are you saying the poor sould lose more of a % then the rich because the rich have more money? isn't that like saying tax the poor and let the rich pay almost nothing in taxts because 5% of 1million is more money then 90% of 50?

Thanks for telling me to quit steemit sence the whales don't seem to want to let anyone profit but them selfs or people that join in on the cirlcle jerk.
shitty but ok

The incentives are aligned somehow. If everyone contribute, make the cake bigger, at the end of the day, although one's % of stake doesn't change, or even reduced a little, she will still be richer. If everyone votes on themselves only, the platform will die without doubt, it's not of the interest of whales.

You may have interest in this post:

By the way, you may get an idea that a whale in this platform doesn't have to be richer than a minnow in reality. A whale may have only 100K$ but all invested into the platform, a minnow may have 1M$ but only invested 100$ to the platform, another person may own tens of dolphin accounts which in total have more shares than a whale, yet another minnow may have millions of STEEM sit in an exchange. So give more to smaller holders doesn't always mean give more to poorer people. Same % to gain or lose is fair.

Nobody asks you to leave if you contribute more than harm. However, value is subjective, so contributing or harming can't be precisely defined.

So give more to smaller holders doesn't always mean give more to poorer people.

I never made that claim.

Same % to gain or lose is fair.

that is the point I was making. that they were the same % of loss or gain no matter what steem amount was so it was pointless to use that as a reason as to why "whales are losing more then minnows" you basically just repeted the same argument I was making on why everyone is losing the same amount from inflation. it is not a reason to give more power to the whales, the claim was whales need to have more power because they are losing more money fm inflation then the minnows. my argument was we are losing the same amount % wise so it is null and void. my point of the taxes was to show how they were playing that numbers game trying to say that 50% across the board wasent even because 50% of 1mill is more then 50% of 5thousand.

when im not dealing with people trying to censor me I actually make a lot of original content and am usually just having fun with my friends on here being social. When people are trying to flag me is when I go back to defence mode. how long have I not been defending myself from the attacks? how long have I still been getting flagged? it does not matter what I post now as the faggots will make up any reason they can think of to flag me.
lke I said when im not getting shit on im actually a large part of steemit according to others.

people need to use the fucking mute button and stop trying to censor people for others. Jus think, im super mellow on the shitlord level. if steemit gets big what u gona do? ban 10%-50% of the world? sounds like another twitter but anyone can ban you not only the company.

i cant even get my posts up on the threads because my post is flagged before the page can load. so i am being denied new followers and stuff. people need to learn to use the mute button because this whole ordeal is retarded. they have no right to silence me from others that want to hear me. they only have the right to mute me for them self not to mute me from others.

i just wish something would be done to fix steemit as i don't think most people that go through this shit fight back as much as i do. most people just leave and i don't blame them. the site is only going to continue to die as this continues and nothing is done about it out of fear of pissing off a whale and becoming the next victim.

I am not the only one dealing with this eather as a couple people have tried to claim.

pro censorship steemit is how it comes off to me at this point.

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