in #steemit7 years ago

This is in response to a recent post.
It was heartbreaking to read the post. I am certain that this guys speaks for most minnows in one way or other. So I want to address these issues.


There is a great sense of maldtribution of awards on steemit. The minnows feel unworthy and disrespected when hours and days of their work goes unrecognized whereas a post with a few pics and a few words makes hundreds of dollars. Let’s talk about it.

Steemit as a business model through minnow eyes.

Investors and developers at this beta stage are the 2 most important groups for Steemit. If these 2 groups fail then there maybe a Steemit still. It will be far removed from the expectations of success we all have for this platform. When we see posts from these groups, they tend to make a lot of money. There post is often not as good as many other posts for that day, that go unnoticed. It is not the post that makes money. It is the investor or developer behind the post that is supported. No one will say that openly in a white paper but understand business models and you will understand it.
There is another group of folks who do well on steemit. You will see it in travel category or science category. If you have spent a few months here, you will recognize those people. You will clearly see the huge delegations these folks have received. Whatever the reasons behind the favorable delegation or why one person was chosen over another is of course a human like and dislike issue. Yet you also see these chosen people set somewhat of a standard for posts in those categories. Personally, I stopped following travel posts after they became monotonous. I am certain many hundreds enjoy those posts and still follow. The posts are picture perfect. No errors ever. They have been proof read many times and assistance provided for production, in all likelihood. These are the representative posts of the system. When you sit in a room across a table from investors, that is the kind of stuff you will display. There are reasons for these posts and these reasons are the same why you may have a few great suits or dresses in your closet. That is the stuff you put on when you want to look good. This is the way of strategy. What is getting a minnow distraught is execution of the strategy. The reaction would be opposite if you see it from the viewpoint of the one who has to run this platform.

True wealth and distribution of it. The reality check.

Wealth is this world is limited to a few families. All the rest of us get by, including owners of steemit. I can guarantee you that. It is because I have seen real wealth up close and if you have a few millions and you think you are rich, then you will never understand real money. That sentence is perhaps a reminder to me of the disparities I came across when I once thought I was rich.
The point is simple. Steemit and everything else for that matter is a microcosm of the larger system we live in. People who come here under the illusion that cryptos will change the world, wipe away poverty and a mental attitude geared towards that, are good people with a good heart. Please understand that cryptos and blogging will not bring equality to this world by any measure. If you think I am wrong then please see distribution of awards on Steemit. That is how life has has always been and is not likely to change. Most of us are still fighting for basic rights, clean air, safe water and freedom in this world. Was there a paucity of blogs on these matter before steemit? No. Were there no worldwide movements before steemit? No. There is nothing on steemit that wasn’t there before except one thing. Everybody expressing themselves did not get rewarded one cent. Steemit changed that. Then there was more than a penny for your thoughts and then it simply became a money game for those with wealth. Bots were invented. Curation guilds were invented. Vote for vote beggars were born, please follow upvote and resteem beggars were born. All dignity was thrown out of the window. There are now flashing signs under posts for these things. You must see this reality as a whole in the backdrop of real life and you will be reminded of the last scene from Animal Farm. Yes you gathered here under anthems of freedom, equality and abolishment of poverty but now look into the barn. What do you see? This is your reality check.

Let go the frustrations.

So you joined here to help fight the system. Now you are fighting the system of this platform. Just calm down, relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. You will not get a more honest blog than this. So listen minnows. Don’t count your rewards. Just count your efforts. Do it for a few years and I promise your frustrations will lessen. Keep posting. Keep doing your best. It will take a few years but you will get to a point where your steemit system value changes. I cannot express to you anymore emphatically that patience is your only solution here. Don’t try to change the system. Just get to the point where your value to the system changes.
I promise that once you get there you will behave exactly as the ones you complain about now.

I write this down for any frustrated minnow who is uncertain of his future on steemit. What I say above is an honest evaluation of the current system. There are people who never understand the system, yet they waste time fighting it. Don’t be that person. Just persist. Understand and study the model. You want to get to a higher level in this model, without changing it and without disrupting it and without challenging it too much. Take that up as a challenge in your life.
In the meantime, hang on to your real jobs.


Well said. I have been here for about a year now, and have read many many posts on this topic, and many people have wanted to quite and leave.

What I like to remind people of is that when they joined twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram, or some other social platform... it took themn months and years to build a following.

Well, what is Steemit? Another social content venue. So why would it be any different here? Answer is, of course, "it wouldn't." But we get impatient because suddenly there are rewards involved. If you back away from that, it doesn't make sense. How may people with twitter accounts worry about the fact that Katy Perry has 108 million followers?

So we get back to perspective. What promises were you made when you joined Steemit? Were you made any at all? Or did your mind just fill in the blanks with some version of what "should" happen?

This is a great way to look at it, @denmarkguy. I don't get why new users would think that they should get as much exposure and as much money as someone who might have written 2-4 posts every single day for almost two years. Of course the established users with lots of followers are going to get more rewards and exposure than those without.

And here a secret to all the minnows who might consider giving up: anyone can build a huge following here. All you need to do is interact and connect with people who like the same stuff as you do, and work hard to build your community. It takes a lot of effort, but this is how to be successful on Steem(it).

And you make an important point @valth.

I have a good dozen "wee minnows" who've joined this year who are already doing quite well thank you. Because they bust their butts and are going about building a social media following in a reasonable way. One young woman has been here two weeks and is already averaging $8-10 per post, creating quality content and interacting with people.

One young woman has been here two weeks and is already averaging $8-10 per post

Stuff like this is what new users should aim for to begin with, not $500+ rewards. They just need to be active, work hard and build a community, and good things will happen. Hard work is the best factor for increasing your rewards in my opinion.

Katy perry has 108 million followers ! Who is Katy perry?

Follow your passion, that will make posting easier when the upvotes are few and far between. If you don’t have a passion go explore, find some and post about that! Life has never been fair, nature is indifferent to our ego’s wishes, and hope is for the hopeless.

So beautifully said. I love it.

Thank you kindly @nedspeaks.

True! I already post about my passion, my art, on other networks anyway, sharing it on here is like a social media bonus level! lol Followed you both,love connecting with positive people. :)

I agree with you 100 %! It is extremely important to write about something you really love, or else you won't have the motivating to keep going until you succeed.

I have the same mindset when I join.

I thought anything I write will generate high reward.
Consistency is paramount.
If you want to earn first be consistent.
Make sure you hodl your steem power so the community see what you are doing.
Third you are part of a big whale community where whales are supporting other whales.
At the same time, there is quite a few good steemians.
Yes rewards are important, but let's have some fun.

You have always been the wise one.

Hey Ned... I like your take on things - well said...

I could probably argue against a couple of your conclusions - but then again I could argue against almost anything (one of my talents)... The one thing I would wholly disagree on is the life changing potential contained within this platform. You and I will view making a dollar or two every day far differently than someone from Mumbai, Senegal, Caracas, or even closer to home, Port O Prince. To folks in those places, a dollar or two every day is the difference between eating or not, and if nothing else Steemit has my respect and admiration for that reason alone.

I sorta have a love hate relationship with Steemit - I love it's potential and I hate it's shortcomings. That being said, I've had my own doubts and have considered leaving and not looking back (more than once), and to be perfectly honest about it, my change in perspective happened only recently with some really good advice, and a whole lot of support from other Steemians (AKA - @doctorcrypto, @theleapingkoala, @crimsonclad, @nedspeaks, etc. etc.).

So my advice to other minnows just starting out would be this:

  • stay the hell away from the trending page, you will only be discouraged.
  • find a couple people you really like interacting with (even if they have completely different political views - Ned) and make it a point to drop in on them now and then.
  • see the value in your own work - even if your work is not valued monetarily. By this I mean just because a post didn't make a lot, it doesn't mean it has no value - come back and look at it in 3 or 6 months to see how much you've improved, that's where the true value lies.

I know i'm a little late to this post but had to throw in my 2 cents anyhow...

I read his post, which was done before I had a chance to actually review the logo and post he had done. I gave him a courtesy vote with the intention to get back to him, as I didn't have time to respond yet.

He could have had a post that did quite nicely, and won a contest as well as well as getting attention.

I have a twitter acount, they don't hand out money. Most of my posts get ignored. it is my job to grab attention.

While I don't think some of the whales have a long-term vision, many of them do.

I agree completely hang on to your real jobs. This is an experiment, on Beta... Unless you can afford it financially and emotionally... hang on to the day job. Prices change, hardforks change things, this is a high risk investment zone.

You were kind to read my post. Thanks for a fantastic comment.

For the past six days I’ve been just thinking about how much Steemit is such an exercise of humanity in just another form or iteration. A huge amount of what goes on here are functions of the self same things that drive our real life actions and inactions... values, character, envy, greed, expectations, and even sin/grace (I’m a pastor... it’s how I think, not trying to be preachy, just owning my lens is all) Steemit is no different as it turns out. I’m having a great time, but I can definitely feel the kinds of frustrations you speak to welling up inside, but for me the counter-agent to those frustrations is how warm other like minded people have been and I have absolutely been loving that! Thanks you for a great read here. @genxrev

Steemit has been an open expression of humanity. From porn to pot smokers to Pastors like you and morons like me. The only way to make it better is to control it. That goes against the whole concept. I like it the way it is. All flavors present, all thoughts welcome.
If it is tough to succeed in life, it is tougher here. Hard work does not pay off in most of the world. America and Europe do provide some opportunity. But even in these places, hard work doesn’t always pay off , yet it is the only thing that has a likelihood of paying off. Be here for the fun of it. Btw, nice to meet you pastor.

It’s nice to meet you as well. I think you share a great wisdom here. You are right there are no guarantees of success for anyone anywhere. A friendly disagreement though, I think there is a way to “make it better”but it is an internal “make”not one that can or ever should be coercively forced upon another. It’s the kind of “make”that comes when a person willingly chooses to self bound from whatever behaviors, habits, or norms based from within their own system of values. I do agree on your assessment around hard work though... working hard doesn’t guarantee success, but it definitely seems to have a best chance of making it possible for most. Peace and thanks for the response. Perhaps we’ll cross paths again sometime.

          I like how you worded that @nedspeaks. My attitude, along with your attitude back in october were different for both of us, we both persevered, and we are both still here, having fun, and enjoying ourselves. I am still a redfish, close to being a minnow, but still a small fry, but still here, still having fun.

Thanks dude. I just hope people can understand and slow down their expectations.

          Too too many of us "I want it and I want now damnit, give it to me, I have a right to it, you don't need it. It's mine mine all mine." people, me included at times in that phrase. ;-} But on a serious note for the minnow and redfish, learn, ask for help when needed, look for help when needed, and learn learn learn, in time you will grow a following, then you may hit the right combo of topic, perfect prose to go with your pictures, and then be off to the whale races. I actually had a $10.00SBD pay out, of course after the split with the curators, and the fact I was 100% steemup on that post, it ended up being just shy of 2.00 steem, but it raised my steem power by 2 points so i was pretty pleased. "Are we there yet, are we there yet, mommy I gotta go pee, stop hitting me bradley, daddy brad wont stop hitting me. I gotta go pee mommy make daddy stop the car." Have a good evening @nedspeaks.

"Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others". Excellent post. I have resteemed it.

Thanks for your kindness

I have been on here since June, and if it wasn't for the fact that I see Steemit as a way to keep my writing sharp in between writing books, I would have left this platform a long time ago. Sure, you can make friends, connect with people, read articles etc... But the simple fact is that there are so many people on here that put their heart and soul into a post time after time only to see a reward of $0.10, if that. Whereas the big boys will steadily make $50-200 a post. It's hardly surprising that so many people get disillusioned with the concept of Steemit...

I am in a slightly unique position however as when I started I was making some decent money on 90% of my posts. In fact if I made less than $5 I would consider that a bad post. Now I'm lucky if I make a dollar on any of my posts. I have no idea why this is, but I know there is money to be made here. The sinister side of me wonders if this was the big boys upvoting me to make me think I could make good money on here, then disappear when they think I am addicted, however the more optimistic side of me tells me to keep plugging because if people have found me once they'll find me again...

I think the one thing I took away from for post is not to fight. Just let it be. I don't understand it and probably never will, but I use this platform as a way of expressing myself, talking about my books and meeting new people. Any money I make is a bonus.

Lewis, I think I stand in your shoes. I think you are right all the way.

Hallo @nedspeaks What I like to remind people of is that when they joined twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram, or some other social platform... it took themn months and years to build a following.

Well, what is Steemit? Another social content venue. So why would it be any different here? Answer is, of course, "it wouldn't." But we get impatient because suddenly there are rewards involved. If you back away from that, it doesn't make sense. How may people with twitter accounts worry about the fact that Katy Perry has 108 million followers?

So we get back to perspective. What promises were you made when you joined Steemit? Were you made any at all? Or did your mind just fill in the blanks with some version of what "should" happen?

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