Steemit will continue to fal, to 0.0001 Very fast / steemit将继续下跌,杀鸡取卵的故事

in #steemit8 years ago


Before saying steemit, I would let you tell a story Banded


Once upon a time, there was an old woman she had an old hen,The chicken looked fat,sounds good to hear,This chicken is very strange,Is every day a golden egg,old woman she Get a golden egg every day after,Every day doing nothing, Life was very good,But she is a very greedy person, want to get more golden eggs as soon as possible,Chicken next day only a golden egg

Old woman thought, Chicken every day, a golden egg,Stomach there should be more golden eggs,She quickly in order to get all the golden eggs, put the chicken to kill,I did not expect to see a cut open the stomach, inside a golden egg did not. She was very sorry, but it was too late. This idiom only immediate, regardless of the long-term interests.



Banded is a Chinese idiom story, in order to get the eggs, will not hesitate to kill a chicken. Metaphor covet immediate interests at the expense of long-term benefits


Today, I have observed super large whales exchanges continue to sell steem, if this number drop down, 0.0001 may restrain, from 0.00005 also really far away, some robots are still a high-speed operation, is this really you the results you want?

今天,我观察到超级大户在继续往交易所出售steem,如果这个数量砸下去,0.0001可能守不住了, 离0.00005也就真的不远了, 一些机器人还在高速运转着, 难道这真是你们想要的结果?



Steemit all operations are open and transparent, I will continue to monitor the development of steemit, no matter what the future, as long as steemit does not close, I will as a blog to record my life

在这里所有的操作都是公开透明的, 我和朋友们会继续关注steemit的发展,我会当成blog来记录自己的生活




My judgement is as well that this great project will be in coinmarketcap very soon below dogecoin... too much selling going on... and when it is below dogecoin level, nobody will pay attention for the next few years, until the selling stops in 2018...

Hi @myfirst - interesting post. I like the metaphor.

Curious your thoughts on this: Down Down We Go – And why that might not be a bad thing

I feel good vibes for steemit
It will pick up
Wish My Grandpa could See this
We Are Living In Exciting times,
All Thanks To

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