Some Xtrodinary Shxx Is Steeming...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

For about a few months already, just as a fisherman would, I've been patiently waiting for...mrwang break the ice.jpg just the right nibble...

What I didn't expect is to find someone just as interested and gung ho about steemit as I am.

If you haven't followed or seen any of his post already... allow me to re-introduce my childhood friend and fellow Dad, Entertainer, Texan and too many other similarities to list in this post... @xtrodinarypilot

@xtrodinarypilot post: Entreprenurial Essentials..

Yup, you ain't trippin... That's a REAL negro wearing a Cowboy hat

Unsure why he's wearing it cause never in my life have I ever seen him wear one and NO it's really not a TEXAS thing either.
I guess it does hold true about us "Texans"... Just like my dope ass header image and his, "There's a snake in my boots" cowboy hat... We do everything BIG in Texas

Okay so I might have said something offensive...

Wait, What? No I didn't... this is a childhood friend who pretty much stuck around in the weirdest of ways.. but that's another story for another post. What I can offer is this hilarious story that my boy likes to share from time to time..

@xtrodinarypilot reveals his very first memory of @mrwang

The very first memory I have of Wally is from the 4th grade... Our teacher was doing her thing.. teaching us shit. Out of nowhere and for absolutely no damn reason... Wally raises his hand, as if he had a question about the lesson. When the teacher pointed him out.. Wally stood up and said... "My dad is a scientist" then sat back down and waited for her to continue.

I was the little weird kid in school, so what?

Anyways.. back to Ryan.. I mean, @xtrodinarypilot

So I brought a few people to steemit already but much to my dismay.. they haven't really committed to getting all into down and dirty in the platform.. that is until I revealed steemit to Ryan. He's already making a name for himself but I felt that I needed to share with everyone, especially my loyal followers.. so that you will understand why I've been resteeming all his post this past week so we can get him the attention and help build his following.

right to left - @xtrodinarypilot(Ryan), (Nick) More On The White Guy Later, @mrwang(Wally)

Of course.. Me and Ryan have even bigger plans for steemit... already in development. He's got this 3d printing business thing going and it's looking quite successful. Not to mention a couple of post he's created where he takes you on a virtual adventure with his kids as they go indoor sky diving.. If you have the VR headgear, be sure to check out those post.. pretty dope shxx and I think it's safe to say.. that's only the beginning

Be on the look out for more post from @xtrodinarypilot and I look forward to bringing him on as part of the WANGCHANGE Team as we plan to help promote bitshares and steemit related projects and creating our own as well...


Remember, I'm no numbers guy... but I make fly ass videos and the generated rewards from those videos, speak for itself... if you want a fly ass video for you project. Grab yourself a token!

Be sure to follow @xtrodinarypilot and give him a nice warm welcome as he continues creating on this awesome platform... oh, btw.. here's his introduction post for verification, Xtrodinarypilot takes flight on steemit

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

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PS... For the absolute best experience.. download the app for your desktop or mobile


Thanks for the love. One thing, after all these years I have yet to find out if your dad was indeed a scientist.

It was a Meth lab...

Does that count?

Then everybody from the hood was a chemist lol

Then my random #alternativefact was true to a certain degree

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