Steemit Posting Rules ( guidlines ) For Newbies And The Experienced

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers,

I have searched through #steemit using search and I have checked on the various site menus, I don't see a page listing rules or a guideline on posting anywhere yet I see newbies and the not so new being flagged for rules so firstly I would like to ask if @dan @ned @anyx or any of the powers that be if you could please make a page for this on the website, its hard to follow rules / guidelines if you don't know what they are ,then eventually only to have someone flag you and mention it in you comments which kind of makes a person look bad which is really not cool.

The Rules

In Order to help everyone below is a list of rules that I have managed to put together from various run in's either with admins or users and even landing on posts with the rule broken mentioned in their comments.

Rules bellow

  • You may not post more than 4 times a day.
  • You may not post items within 1 minute per post blogs and comments.
  • You may not put images in your comments.
  • You may no link to your page from a comment unless it is relevant to the post where the comment is placed.
  • You should not use images in your post that you do not own or have the right to use, where you do have permission to use these images a credit link to the source must be placed.
  • You may not repost either yours or the posts of others.
  • Your content must be unique and written by yourself not plagiarized from the internet.
  • You may use your content elsewhere however a link must be placed in your post to the other external website and from the external website back to your post.
  • Tag your post to the correct relevant categories.

EDIIT 1 Seems it may be 20 seconds between comments.

EDIT 2 As you will see in my comments it was advised by @demotruk that these should be called guidlines and that the the philosophy should be explained first and made clear with which I agree.

Please let me know if there are any other rules that anyone knows of.

Follow Me @mrgrey


You may not put images in your comments.

I criticised you for using an image in your comments, but it was only because you were putting it in almost every comment, it was self-promoting and not relevant to the topic. I didn't flag you for it but I would have if it persisted. I would have then muted you and that would likely be the last we'd see of each other.

In this way we are able to decide for ourselves in a distributed fashion what is abusive and what is not. If you could accept one flag and nobody else ever flagged you for it, you could happily go on posting that image to your heart's content. It's only if lots of people felt as I do that you would probably be under social pressure to stop advertising yourself in comments in this way.

Personally I saw it as branding, a way of getting known everywhere I posted which many responded to that they liked it, at no point was my intention to spam but to promote, I do appreciate the way you handled it though thank you :)

I was just going to ask about this, I've posted a couple pictures in comments but they were related to the original post and just my contribution to the conversation. Thanks for clearing this up :

Don't tag incorrectly
( I thought you were able to post pics in comments)

Also always add pic when you post or no one will read it.

perhaps @anyx can clarify on this for us :)

You just need 1 more and it can become a list of the: Ten Commandments of Steemit

You would however have to change You may or should (not) with Thou shalt (not)... :D

Nice one @susanne, you have posted it even before me coming to steemit, so I did not see it.

Thank you :)

You should have picture of the tablets and write in old English but still a good one. Nothing is new!

Feel free to use the idea :)

You have already done most of the work anyway...

Please repost this thread with a picture of Ten Commandments and reworded in King James English. This would be a great post.

lol denny :)

lol ahem maybe that will go in the un official rules page

Awesome guide! Thanks.

Found a teeny typo; "You may no link" I assume should be "You may not link".

One newbie here! Thanks for the information you've shared! It helps! 😊

brilliant post it is a good one at that and makes a statement i am not sure if that is the correct way in saying it but what ever and i hope it goes up trending for more to see

thank you @lovetosteemit soe may call it rules while others do not, for me if I get called out for it in steem chat, in a comment and then flagged it becomes a rule, what are your thoughts?

All Negative????

well they are rules that people have been flagged on and I myself have had issues with I dont think its negative though

When you say "you may not post more than 4 times a day", would that include comments. I would think that's not what you meant but comments show up under posts so wanted to verify what you meant. I'm not a huge fan of rules, I would prefer principles, rules are narrow and don't apply to all situations, principles allow people to use their own judgment to make the right decision. What I would like to see on here is an easily accessible FAQ or a persistent thread for newbies. You kind of have to read through a lot of posts to figure out the basics and unfortunately I have found incorrect or conflicting information in people's posts that doesn't always get corrected. The white paper is good but very technical and doesn't answer everything.

@globe no its blog posts I am referring to, I am unsure if there is a limit on comments, I doubt it, I guess it could be called principles but when you see users being flagged for transgressing then I would say its a rule would'nt you ? I to have had conflicting information hence the above is based on where I have been flagged or others.

Sure, there have to be some rules, any things that are hard coded into the framework would be an example, but as a general principle, I think principles are more useful than rules. When it comes to giving guidance on how people should conduct themselves or what type of content is appropriate, I think it would be more effective to communicate in terms of principles rather than giving people a list of hard rules. As @bullionstackers said, these are all negative. I think people may respond better to a positive message.

I do tend to agree with you in that sense, @demotruk suggested the wording guidlines which I think is good would you say then it would be a good idea to have a set of guidlines displayed on the website so people can avoid themselves getting flagged ?

Thank you SO SO much this really does help.

Its a pleasure

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