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RE: I Had An Idea and Now Need Suggestions!!

in #steemit6 years ago

like NO MORE BANK accounts being my priority ...

Its so satisifying to close a bank account and adapt to not having one. Its great if you know people around with a card to shop online with every now and then. Thats what I miss I guess, online cheap things. But the online shopping thing is all part of that cycle, I was just thinking "Fuck.. I used to do the food shopping online!
Like what the fuck!!
Now I dont even need to work, spend money or even go in a store to eat, aslong as they got dumpster out the back hahahaha! I do appreciate that in other countrys its not so possible like that though :P) How is it where you are there, its Bulgaria right?? Any supermarkets and food in the trash?


in Bulgaria it is not a practice, they compress everything and throw away (they said) some guys still manage to get something backdoors tho...
here in Greece Yes... they give away and my father gets a lot of it 😁
...especially at the end of farmers markets...
last night we ate bunches of fresh greens @ my brothers place.. his wife got them for free from nearby street market... just as a bonus for buying some eggs...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thats great to hear, that means then that smaller supermarkets in BG shouldnt have compressors and just dumpsters ☺ never believe when people say theres all compressors, this isnt true most times its just FUD hahaha

Sure! ;)
Another thing in my hometown is that, half of the population are gypsies and this a whole another story :)
I mean every bit of stuff is getting recycled and/ or eaten :)
I recycle seriously for the past 10 years everything in my birthhouse... and its belonging properties :))))
in the beggining there were like tons of iron and other metals, then remained textiles from family businesses and a lot of other interesting things (just because my father is addicted to stuff and my grandfather was too)
But hey its a lot of FUN sometimes to do my missions :) learned a lot of new abilities! This was my breaking free from "carrer" and big city living and fake relationships...
Its time for me to get my own land near a river and a forest with a big meadow ;D

We have the same style for sure :)

Did you think about finding an empty farm or land and just move onto it?! Instead of thinking to pay for it?

I just had to adjust all my autovotes to 10% as its not going up in VP and im stuck at 3days always to fully recharge hahahah

A new place would be built!

what about a wagon to live in?! a home on wheels! So if the owner of the land ever shows up you can just move on.. Oh wait, thats the real gypsy life :P

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