The Greed is strong in you my young Steemawan (rant post)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Greed has been strong on this platform since it's inception in mid 2016. Now in late 2017 greed continues to be number one problem on this platform. It sure feels that way when most of the bloggers non investors here cashed out most of their steem, and they keep on milking those curation trails and bots. A system where there are more outs than ins is the main reason for undervalued steem today. Good bloggers are leaving the platform because they are buried underneath a huge pile of shitposts and are hard to find, so why stay?

Circlejerk extravaganza is as strong as ever, no need to have a great blog, you just need to know the right people. Good blogs attract more audience, trending page these days attracts absolutely nobody, trending these days are a handful of people, for example @adsacly who aims to leverage everyone (and himself) we can also see @velimir's paycheck and @gavvet Adam and Eve bullshit every day, maybe check there before saying what the fuck is going on with the platform.

@kingscrown turned out to be a huge asshole attacking and throwing unfounded accusations at @frystikken, who to be fair is not a saint, but that's not the issue on this new drama. It all happened because kingsrown got flagged for his overvalued post and his lack of nuance. Egos and greed are annoying me the most here on steemit. This kind of dramas emerge almost daily, greed, money and unbalanced people. Turn off that cash cow for just one day and just look how many hissy fit posts will emerge.

It is almost clinical the state some people are in here on steemit, greed is the symptom, and some of you need to check yourselves.

Rant over.


ive got 6 flags, a ban and lack of refund (at that time) and im the asshole? i wonder whats in your world a good habit then haha.

Considering you've made a killing here (and still continue to do), was it really necessary to attack the man as you did for one time annoyance? I'm not picking sides here, seemed kinda silly.

where there is a lot of money to share around there always will be greed it is just a human nature and i first am not immune to that and it will continue to be like that until some rules and boundaries will be set to prevent that kind of behavior

Human nature can't be changed so easily, this will keep on going until some real change comes. Until then yipikaye motherfuckers, wild wild west continues.

haha exactly. give zero fucks and steem on

Yeah, pretty much. I got caught up in the drama, but made a quick retreat to invest my time in curating, commenting and reporting abusers to steemcleaners.

The platform right now is a big pile of EVERYTHING, with the top of the pile being posts by old accounts trailed by those who've long abandoned the platform. Content discovery on steemit is broken, but I have faith in platforms like utopian and the future SMTs bring. So I am just sitting here, ignoring the drama, and accumulating SP with the help of my kind shy sponsor.

Big pile of Everything is the correct assessment, there are so many great players and some bad ones. I hope the system balances itself and with time I hope bad players will leave this place. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." Gaming quotes.
Best to ignore the drama, I always did that, but now I had to write something about it, and not many will see this post, so same old same old.

Give it some time. is going to fade out, and people will thrive in topic-specific or language-specific steem-based platforms. You can see it in Korea and with Utopian and Bescouted. That's the future, and it's not far. The bad players will have no choice but to leave or improve.

I'll drink to that :)

Wow I must be completely oblivious to the drama that's been happening on here. Didnt know any such things were going on. I thought this to be a very friendly platform so far.

It is friendly most of the time, but there are instances of extreme scamism and bad behavior. Not saying that those I named in this posts are scammers, they are just not that good to be on the trending page every day with those huge rewards.

This is why I routinely revisit those that I follow and upvote. I read their articles, watch their videos, etc. If I no longer like their content then I unfollow them. I only use upvote bots for a couple of friends that I referred here and even there, I revisit their content almost daily as it is posted and adjust my upvoting bot accordingly.

Sadly, not many "old" school members do that. They, as @Moon32walker said, left the platform and chances are, no longer even have their login information to "fix" their past accounts, that is if they even care.

This is a problem, I think, with Steemit but it is one that is hard to fix. I remember a TON of people leaving when the hardfork occurred that took everyone's pending payout and switched over to the now seven day period. I was not happy about it myself - lost a lot of money in that transition.

That hardfork got me to thinking though. Am I here for money or for the ability to reach new readers with my writing? I realized I liked the community more than the money (though I am not going to lie, I cash out a lot due to life hitting me like a punching bag). I also try to spread around upvotes, comments, and resteems to those that I feel are producing content that is worth it.

I think as we go forward new hardforks will be implemented that will hopefully address the concerns that moon32walker brought up. We can only hope and keep pushing forward.

Right now, we're in acquire steem power stage to be able to boost our point of interest without being too dependant on what whales will do, in this case gaming. With more sp we can reach more people and with time have a nice gaming community here. I plan to set a bot to boost every established gaming blogger here, it is not much, but I'm sure it will be appreciated. Also, it is ok to sell if you have some hard real life expenses.

I agree, if we acquire Steem Power now and build up, we as a team could help the up and coming gaming bloggers see the value of sticking around - otherwise we will end up with a circle jerk, just a smaller one in the gaming niche.

It is a long term goal but a worthy one.

I always revisit pages and leave a comment, Its the best way to engage.
I joined Steemit without any understanding of the money that you are able to earn. I joined Youtube In the past few months and realised that Im a little fish In a big pond and realistically not many are gonna see my videos on Youtube so I sought for other platforms to showcase my stuff and found Steemit, and then Dtube came along and Is great alternative. Mainly for my videos to be seen by people. Ive only been on here a few months and am not really making money and I know It'll be along time before I will ever be able to make a decent amount and that's ok. I like to reinvest what little SBD I get Into Steempower at the moment. Im not going to lie, the Idea of being able to make money from this In the future Is also why I stay on here.
I'm enjoying my time on here, I just wish the app I use wasn't so buggy but hopefully that'll come with time.

You have to start somewhere. Most of the "big" YouTube game channels/shows had help getting there. A lot of them used forums back in the day to push their views and subscriber counts up. You have Steemit to help in that regard. Now you just have to build up your support base here with regular content, interacting with your audience, etc.

I used to use eSteem but it crashed when attempting to make a post so I just started using the website with Chrome instead. It is not fast by any means but it is stable.

Sorry about the late replies, Im currently using the computer and I have to keep stepping away to see to other things. I agree about the Esteem app, I try to use It but It's so temperamental sometimes that It becomes difficult to use.

Yes That Is true, and there's nothing wrong with having help to get noticed. Gaming Is so big everywhere It Is a very hard subject to stand out In. My biggest downfall I think I Is that I only do gameplay videos, no reviews or news snippets like alot of the other game bloggers on here. I may change that In the future but for now I'm enjoying what I am doing.

No worries, that is the beauty of something like @Steemit. It is here when we have time to interact.

I simply gave up the eSteem app due to the unreliability issues I was experiencing and the fact that it felt like I was the only one experiencing them as everyone commenting on the app updates seemed to avoid these issues.

I run a couple of YouTube channels and only focus on gameplay videos as well. It is slow growing but the video stuff is not my focus. I mainly record some gameplay as I play for reviews and then upload that with minimal editing.

The biggest hits I have had have been controversial stuff - the whole RETRO Video Game System/Coleco Chameleon fiasco for instance or licensed games gameplay videos (Ghostbusters meets Fruit Slash being one).

I think the video thing is hard to break into if you are focusing on popular franchises only. So many people cover those games with tons of content that it is hard to break in. I like to focus on lesser known stuff, or things not being covered to death.

Enjoying what you do is the key. Do that and success will find you and it will be even sweeter than if you forced yourself through something you hated.

Exactly the way I think, play the games you love and it'll show through In the videos. I play a few popluar games that I enjoy, Destiny 2, Overwatch to name a few, and then I play Sword Art Online, Orcs Must Die and Dungeon Defenders 2 which aren't anywhere near as big. At the moment I play more of the smaller games because that Is what I enjoy, I may not get as many views for It but I'm happy.

I love to watch reviews and controversial gaming videos but I don't think It's something I'd be good at. I don't find It that easy to get my words out In that way. I also do very minimal editing, i do enjoy to watch video gameplay unedited, that Is personal preference, you can't please everybody.

I've had people ask me to sub for sub on Youtube but I deny the request simply because I would rather have less subs who actually watch and enjoy my videos than have alot more subs but no more views because those subs aren't Interested In my videos. The same here, I won't mass follow blogs just to get the return. I wan't people to actually enjoy my content not endure my content :)

Man, I didn't know bout you but I share your attitude for a long time.

I see, I have noticed the same accounts at the top of the trending page constantly but didn't read too much into it. I just assumed It was abit like the Youtube trending page where the same people always occupy It. Money attracts money after all. I have seen some awesome blogs on here that I feel deserve so much more recognition.

This is far from youtube trending page, here it is about steem power, how much you have it and how deep you found yourself in certain people's bum holes.

Haha @moon32walker great description. I'll have to be observing then on here I think.

Whenever you hit a category, make sure to check out the "new" and "hot" tabs, not just the "trending" tab. As you said, there are a lot of great authors, blogs, and content here that deserves more attention than it gets.

I always hit "new" to be honest I like to see what I can find, the only Issue with that I find Is the amount of spam accounts I come across. Whenever I come on here I like to find atleast one person to talk to whose content I enjoy :) I appreciate all of the comments here, I still see myself as a newbie and appreciate any help offered to me :)

wow really great post moon32walker so much amazing information will definitely follow and up vote!!!11

The amount of times i see this shit on my and others walls annoys me, if you're going to come to steemit and try to make a go of it, at least have something interesting to say on peoples walls.

Over the past 4 months iv'e tried to post a full review every day, sometimes 2, and while i'm thankful for the support i do recieve, it's annoying seeing the circlejerk pages that get $90 for a 2 paragraph article about nothing since they know a few whales.

On the other hand you have people who simply parrot information back into the community and get paid 100's because of it, this is to be expected when you have a lot of money on the line, but it's still annoying regardless.

Also a good rant isn't a rant, it's testifying hahaha.

The situation is just like in real life, the rich are getting richer, the poor are struggling, middle class is stagnating.

The thing that needs to happen is that whales like yourself and dolphins like myself need to support minnows and each other and try and get a trickle down effect happening, iv'e only recently got into the community and started supporting it since i started making a livable wage on steemit.

Steemit needs to change from looking for that big whale upvoting your content, to continued work and building a community with minnows and dolphins so that quality is rewarded, not quantity like we see all over the place.

Agreed! Many shizposts from India... And look at steem is on 1-2$ like for ever.. Thinking about quitting

Nothing you can do about them, but quitting is not the real option here. If you like what you do, like writing about things you like, you just keep on steeming no matter what.

Are you here for the money or the community? I ask because that is what I had to ask myself with the last hardfork (the one that changed Steemit from 24 hour payouts to seven days). As you can see, I am still here. Give it some thought before you just leave. Find your niche and just enjoy it - if rewards come, great. If not, at least you put in the work for something you love.

I just dont like uselles work, like you said, there is so much spam, that it is really hatd to find good content. And money doesnt bother me just steem doesnt grow as i thought it would.

Follow the people producing the content you like and enjoy. Comment and let them know what you liked. Resteem and upvote so they know to push more of that type of content out.

That is what I do. I try to support as much as possible the authors here that I like. I hugely ignore the rest of Steemit due to the reasons you mentioned - there is just so much fluff going up that it is definitely hard to find the good stuff. That is true for any crowd supported platform though - just look at Twitter and Facebook and try to find the quality people and accounts that are worth your time. It is nearly impossible.

I honestly believe that if we support the people doing what we like they will see that support and do more of that stuff. We just have to let them know what we enjoy and show them support when they do it.

I do not pay attention to this type of dramas, normally it is because I do not understand them, I focus on the good that Steemit has, but this kind of things do not go unnoticed.

I used to be like that, if status quo remains nothing ever changes, so we must speak up.

Jeez, I must be in some kind of bubble on here or something, haha. I had no idea there was this kind of shit going on within the site. Maybe that's for the better though, as I'd rather keep to myself and find other users who's content I enjoy and stay away from the drama. Definitely seems like most people on here only care about themselves though and the greed can be seen just about everywhere I suppose.

Thanks for posting this rant though so I could be kept up to date on some of the ridiculous crap going on on here, lol.

The corruption is everywhere, some don't even bother to hide it. That's how crazy things are here, just my observation :)

It's a real shame about the whole thing here on Steemit. Greed eats brains I can only say! And you're right!! Each of us should think about what happens here and what we want to do ourselves? You please do me the favor and stay as you are, which you are good as you are ;)

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