How To Find Easily New Content! Get Inspired!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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Do you know the point when you feel stuck? You don't know what to write about? I can imagine that every Steemian or Dtuber experience these moments. Especially when you are delivering content on a regular basis.

It happens from time to time that you feel uninspired. And that is totally normal.
But I think that many people are doing some mistakes when they are getting to this point. I also believe that lies in our human nature that we always want to deliver and present the best, something no one did before. We want to be special, to make people astonish about our content.

Well, let me say that this is not a bad attitude. Of course, we want to separate ourselves from others and that requires sometimes to have content that other people don't have. But the problem with that is when you only look from that kind of perspective.

What do I mean by that?

When we just look for the great thing, for this awesome content and are stuck there, we miss simple opportunities to actually deliver content.

Maybe I am describing it a bit complicated.
What I mean is that you don't need you look for the great, outstanding content. There are simple suggestion right in front of you.

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When you are already longer here than you probably wrote already a lot.
Don't forget that this platform evolves and you also.

Maybe you see something different now compared to what you wrote a certain time ago.

Maybe a situation changed and that's why you can write a new post about that topic.

You don't have to think that if you wrote once about something you cant write about it again. Rewriting stuff is a great way for old/new content.

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There is nothing new under the sun says the bible.
And yes its so true in my opinion.

Browsing through the categories here on Steemit, the new, hot and trending section can give you inspiration for a post of your own. In this Steemit ocean, you will find a lot of inspiration to write about.

Don't think because already one person wrote about something that you can't anymore. Its always good to have different views on a certain topic.

There are many sources to find new content to mention more of them would not fit here.

What I want to show you is because you are already here, your inspiration can be right in front of you. Instead of thinking to produce the next Avengers Movie, look what is already there and create with that something new.

I hope this gives you guidance to find new inspiration for your upcoming posts or Videos. :)


It’s a tough job, especially if one is new to blogging.

I totally agree my friend.
It's​ a whole new world.

That's​ why it is so important to start, just to begin and to break all insecurity.

For some people, it happens to them sometimes, for me, it happens almost everytime😁😁

Creating something new from what someone has already written is not a bad idea. Thanks for this Tip.

Try it, ​sister. Really!
When you write you lift the chance to get in a flow where the ideas are coming from everywhere. And this is a great thing, but to enter this stage we need to write, to browse, look observe other people here. :)

Yeah Yeah. I sure will. Thank You.

Waow, how did you know I needed this? For about two weeks now, I've been so short of what to write. It doesn't help that I've had very tight schedules lately. But I'll bounce back soon enough. Thank you for this write-up.

I hope it really helped you :)
The community needs your stuff.

So true. I sometimes get in this pitfall. I mean, stuck in indecision because I constantly try to make a better post after a blockbuster post. But surely all things work for good...I find a way to make another one and that’s it.

That's​ great when you already find solution to overcome this situation :)

wow wow wow, how do you know that i feel exactly the same ??????? are you a wizard or something ????

No my friend 🤣.
I just think when I am facing these situations maybe other people too :)

Thank you @modernpastor for inspiring me. I am new on Steemit and I have not made a post yet. I can say this is the challenge I am facing presently. I love football, music, movies, religion and lot more but I do not think it is best to run here and there while writing. I read that I need to pick a niche. That is, what I am comfortable writing about. This is where I am stuck now.

But with this I guess I’ll just go ahead and be spontaneous.

Thank you sir.

Hey my friend :) Thanks for your comment.
I would recommend just to start. There is a long way to go, you don't​ need to commit yourself to a specific niche yet. Just start writing get familiar with the community and how things are working. As I said you will evolve by spending time here. Its essential just to start my friend.

I find many diffeculties to write about new content , you really inspirad me.
Thank you

I am glad to hear that :)
Just start my friend.

Begin​ your journey by just starting even when the results may not be like you want but you need to get familiar​ with it.

there are many tips to find and get unique article,
i am usually watching a youtube trend, news...for inspiring my Keywords

nice sharing bro

Thanks for your comment, my friend :)
Good that you already​ have a way to get inspiration.

You really inspire me to write new something

I am glad to hear that :)
Go for it!💪🏽

Looks like we don't have to look far to get content idea. Steemit itself is a source of content idea. You can find what people are talking about your niche, you can write a blog post about that. You can make a post answering your others' questions. While you're reading, you can get an idea to write about that no one wrote it before.

Thank you @modernpastor for your suggestion about finding new content and get inspired to write a post!

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