
So how you do it anyway? I guess he uses his two other accounts @thecyclist and @engagement to do it...

Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-02 um 13.50.02.png

Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-02 um 13.50.48.png

Not sure, maybe you need to be a whale witness to enable the feature in your own wallet?? Who knows??

I didn't see this option in my account, anyone have a clue how to do it? Just curious.... I only have one account :)

"Earth calling @berniesanders Earth calling @berniesanders Please respond."

Currently the only way to delegate SP is through the cli_wallet.

WTF is a cli wallet? Can you explain?

It is a "command line" interface to the blockchain. Basically the feature can only be used by people who know the programming side to the blockchain. The majority of people who the feature is intended for are people who know how to use the cli interface.

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