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RE: 📣 Did Someone Kidnap our Steemit Community Managers? 📣

in #steemit6 years ago

The lack of communication is becoming a huge problem. Earlier this week I posted an article about the fact that there are huge things going on behind the scenes, while nothing is being communicated. Transparency is one of the key factors of the Blockchain, since without it, there can be no trust. And if there is no trust, you can’t expect people to invest.
These last two weeks, I see more an more people post articles in which they express their concern about the lack of communication. It is impossible that the SteemIt admins are not aware of the questions that are asked, and the doubts they are creating. And still... not a single word. Now that I think of it, it’s not only disturbing, it’s also very impolite and it gives me the feeling that together with the lack of communication there’s also little respect for the platform users


Thank you for the comment,
What are you referring to exactly? I am eager to know.
Take care

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