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RE: We Have the Opportunity to Make Steemit Our Own!

in #steemit7 years ago

It surprises me every day again that people who are posting content that is obviously copy/paste material are getting so much upvotes and - as a result - earning so much money.
I can understand people using a YouTube video they didn’t create themselves - after all, YouTube is full of videos with valuable content - but only when it is used to add something extra to an article. The video shouldn’t be the main content but only an illustration or an addon to the content ...

Unfortunately many people around here don’t share this opinion.

Everyone knows lots of those non-original posts get a lot of upvotes , and since everyone wants to maximize curation rewards, they will keep on upvoting them, because that’s where the money can be earned.

I completely agree with your proposal to stop rewarding content that isn’t original, but I’m afraid the money factor is too important for most people...

But don’t let that stop you from trying to raise awareness. Maybe I can write a post on this topic later this week. Someone else might do the same. This way, the message will spread around the platform and it will reach more and more people. I‘Ve noticed there are lots of Steemians that have the same opinion, but don’t take any action. Maybe this is the perfect time to stop being passive and step up. Because I believe we can change this when we all stick together. If all people that share the same opinion get active and start writing posts like yours instead of doing nothing and just watching it happen from the sidelines, we might be able to succeed. It will take time to ‘educate’ people, probably a whole lot of time, but if no one takes action, nothing will change. Even if doesn’t work out, I’d like to know that at least I tried...


I started with resteeming your post. It’s a small step, but it is better than no step at all :-)

Thank you so much for your comment! You're one of the very few people that I came across on Steemit that cares about this issue, and I agree with the points that you raise. You are especially correct that this will be an education, and therefore, will take considerable time. However, in doing so, you are also creating revenue-generating posts, so it's not a complete waste :)

I have just followed you as I'm eagerly looking forward to hearing your perspective on this and other issues.

I’m definitely not the only one. I’ve made so many similor comments this week. All on posts from people who share the same opinion.
Maybe I should track them down, so we can set up some sort of ‘Action plan’. (Lol - that Sounds more serieus than I planned it sound ) I’m not experienced enough to know what the possibilities are, but I’ll do some research this week

Can I ask you something? It’s not a question with a hidden agenda. I’m just plain curious :-)
Last week I’e been doing some research on how to earn through commenting (I’m still a noob here just trying to learn the ropes).
When I started out here on SteemIt, I saw a lot of upvoted comments, but that seems to have changed since last week. It’s not just my comments, it’s other people’s comments too.
This conversation gives me the oportunity to find out more about the issue. Could you maybe tell me why you didn’t upvote my comment? I checked and you have 100% voting power, and taken from your answer, you liked my comment. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I expect you to upvote it, I’m just trying to find out why people upvote or don’t upvote a comment. Like I said before, most things here on the platform are still a mystery to me. I search and read articles all day long, but I don’t get a lot of opportunities like this one when I can inform myself and learn new strategies by simply asking people directly...

I rarely upvote comments, which is an improvement from the time I rarely commented. That said, I think it's standard operating procedure on Steemit: if you upvote willy-nilly, eventually, your voting power becomes degraded. I'd save it for your posts and great original content that pique your interest.

Thanks for clarifying :-)

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