
We don't even have to force these folks to take a hit by pushing them aside to the promoted tab. Create a new section for the promoted posts, call it the MARKET. People love shopping, right?

Steemit is much like a giant magazine, and people buy pages to promote their products in magazines. A real magazine turns that process into a money making machine. People don't buy the magazine for the ads, they buy it for the content. Steemit, as a magazine, is not benefiting from the current internal marketing strategies of placing the ADS on the COVER of the magazine. The content needs to POP, and the ads are just there, and those ads help pay everyone who's producing content, plus those marketing their products get eyes on whatever they want to sell or say. This is incredibly basic stuff, and somehow the concept is flying under the radar here. So there's no need to complain, we have the right ingredients, now we just have figure out the recipe.

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