A lower-mid-level Steemian's reflections on Hardfork 20.

in #steemit6 years ago

I would think I'm pretty representative of the average Steemian in terms of longevity, reputation score, Steem Power, etc., so I can sympathize both up and down the "power chain" here.

Like many Steemians, I was totally blindsided by what happened a couple mornings ago. Sure, the whales and longtimers who know all the crooks and crannies of the various information sources involving the platform, both on and off it, might have known what might be coming, but from what I am reading and hearing, even many of them were surprised by some things. That red banner should have been there two weeks ago, detailing (or linking to details) about all the possibilities and what people might expect to happen.

Now, I understand there are some very noble witnesses (and others in positions to impact our code) who truly do want the site: 1) to be more equitable in terms of rewards, and 2) to be more more immune to the influence of all things phony (i.e. spam, bots, etc.) That's good. That's VERY good.

It's obviously early still, but I think, at this point we can probably say that we may have accomplished that second goal while inadvertently also hurting low-SP users and newbies (i.e. the site's future) to the point that we may have just thrown the baby out with the dirty bath water. I also think we can say we know nothing, yet, (and maybe there's nothing TO know) about what has happened v.v that first goal. We seemed to have concentrated totally on server costs with HF20, and seemingly have done nothing substantive to make the rewards system more equitable and enticing to the newbies that are our future success or failure.

Brand new users will have enough "loaned" SP (15) under HF20 to either make a couple blog entries or replies, OR to vote a few times, and then their RC (resource credits) will be gone. They will then have to wait...what?...a week or more?... before being able to engage with the platform again. That is NOT ENOUGH maneuverability for a newbie to be inspired to even come back for that second time. Now, I understand that the goal is to encourage people to purchase SP, but most newbies have been coming from poorer areas of the world, and can not afford to do that, and people with money in more developed countries are going to be less and less likely to invest based on the outages of the past two weeks.

Can we get past all that? I don't believe so, not as things stand currently.

I believe we need to figure out a way to increase the loaned SP to newbies so that they remain hooked. ...OR...we need to reduce the RC-related cost per action. If the system can not afford one or the other of those things, than I believe the platform is in serious trouble, long-term.

I also want to comment on the rumors that one of the founders is talking about not being able to move forward with other concepts. THAT IS OKAY. We need to, IMHO, get everything we have NOW working well-- with balance for all in terms of rewards-- or those other projects (extravagances) will never even come into play.

Also, the adjustment to RC totals that each member gets (i.e. all SP reduced) while in "power down" mode is extremely problematic. Sure, we want people not to "take the money and run," but we also want PRODUCTIVE, LOYAL, AND TRULY ENGAGED USERS to be able to make decisions, and that includes the decision to get cash if they need cash. This needs to be rectified so that only the pending (next week's) power down portion is reduced from the total SP used to calculate RC power, NOT all 13 weeks, up front.

Those are just a few thoughts.

If you are a newbie reading this, you need to visit: steemd/@username in order to look carefully at all your new statistics to understand where you are at, and how much things now "cost" in terms of resource credits, etc.

I desperately want us all to succeed...from the biggest whale to the smallest minnow... but we are not going to succeed if reform stops at the current version of HF 20.


FYI...Just posting the above article took 32 billion RC(!!) NOT the "mere" 14.2 billion advertised at Steemd.com., and that was with the ONE simplest image I could include.

SO, for me, that was 1/3 of my total RC. This reply to my own thread will now probably take another 1/3. SO...if a mid level Steemian can only do three things (minor things at that) per day, well..... You all figure it out.

Site engagement will simply grind to a virtual halt, and there will be nothing but whales talking to each other and shifting their money back and forth between them.

Well all I know is I cant upvote anyone as I am still recharging ...sorry guy would have definitely dropped a few thumbs here ... and it looks like it will be a few days before I can do anything and looks like that wont be much even then ... not to impressed so far ... but looking for the upside to this....

Can you keep an eye on how long your RC's take to regenerate and post it here?

I regenerate so quickly, that it would be physicalky impossible for me to use up all my RC's. I assume that this is a function of how much SP i hold.

If so, then HF20 is really a kind of paywall. The more SP you have, the more functional your account is.

Mike, the TRUTH is, it would appear, that every reply over a word or two consumes 29 billon RC, more than DOUBLE what steemd.com advises people that it costs. THIS MUST BE FIXED! The algorithm for rewarding RC needs to be weighted more heavily to the folks with smaller amounts of SP, and this must happen ASAP, or the site, IMHO, is toast! Please resteem this blog entry, Mike! THANKS!!

P.S. I have waited and waited since our last interchange just to have enough RC to post this to you.

Are things working better now? (Sorry I missed your answer a few days back)

Yes, thanks, Mike. Much better. I still think they need to fine tune a sliding scale for RC mulitples, favoring newbies. But it would seem anyone with over 200-300 SP is pretty well set now.

My account regenerates about 17billion RC's a minute.

At 300+ SP, I am generating about 1 billion RC per TWENTY minutes. i.e. this reply to you is going to cost me about 6 hours. The algorithm needs to reward smaller SP holders better and larger holder slightly less to compensate.

The only other solution would be for many more whales and orcas to delegate more SP more frequently to users below them on the food chain that they deem worthwhile contributors to the platform (and THEIR future success.)

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