Meme Analysis: Change my Mind

in #steemit6 years ago

Welcome back to another meme analysis. If you are feeling suicidal you have come to the right place (Rip Filthy Frank).

Today we will be looking at, what is in my opinion, the best meme of February 2018, which is the Change My Mind meme. The meme originated from a Tweet by Steven Crowder upon creating an event where he presents an argument and has students come to him in an attempt to persuade him otherwise. The location of this specific Change my Mind event was at Texas Christian University. If you haven't seen or heard of him, I highly recommend you to watch his YouTube and podcast (In before his channel gets token down by SJW JewTube).

So here is the original Tweet:

And thus the edgy memelords (including me of course) got to work:

Now while some of these are true:

Others are WRONG:

Now it's time for category placement. Memes are divided into 3 categories. The first one is wholesome. Wholesome memes are warm, thoughtful memes that give the veiwer positive feelings besides the amusment. You know, like veterans coming home, memes that boosts your self asteem by saying how great the "person viewing this" is. And dogs, cats, and other cute shit.

Next is Dank memes, which are truly the backbone memage. Dank memes tend to rely on creativity, shock, irony, or even flat stupidity for comedic value, often using overused meme templates.

Lastly, we get to the cancer memes. There's no way to better explain them than saying its funny cause its unexpected, yet has little to no originality. It takes a higher levels of chromosomes to truly perfect the art of cancerous memes. Take what you will from that, but these include but not limited to the 🅱 emoji, any meme ironically still using Harambe, any meme unironically still using Harambe, and any kind of shitposting.

Now this meme is highly volatile, and the only category it hasn't stepped into was the wholesome category... wait no hold on I though I saw one somewhere... ah here it is.

So, I am proud (and suicidal) to announce that for the first time on this stupid fucking meme Analysis series, we have our first meme that fits in all 3 categories.

party blowers sound and fireworks go off

And I give it a 21 out of 23.

Here's one I made in pride of being on Steemit:

That will end today's meme analysis. Remember to upvote if you liked this, if not, then don't, cause I don't care. It's not like it will stop me from wasting my life posting these everyday up until I die, or kill myself. Wait... fuck... those are the same thing. Forget I said that. I'll just finish this with the meme template.

Do you have a meme you want analyzed? Comment below! Requests are always welcome!

Other Meme Analyses:

The 🅱 Emoji

Tuba Warrior Meme

Book of Facts Meme

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