Steem Up, Engagement Up... Spirits UP!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

What a difference five days make!

Here we are the price of steem rising and a general air of springtime optimism on the platform. Of course, there are still some gnarly growls from the underground depths. The old monsters muttering about rewards or The experiment but look at us now compared to where we are five days ago!

However. What I wanted to talk about was engagement in the days following the experiment. Specifically the social engagement of commenting.

It has to be noted that I am no expert and have nothing to back this up other than my own observations over the larger part of this last week. What I hope is that people have noticed the same thing.

In the days following the experiment when the auto flagging was happening and people were getting narked at 'losing' money from their original content that meant each post took three weeks to create sometimes a year, I noticed that I was commenting more on others posts as a general reaction to the issue. But more importantly, I noticed others were commenting more too.

In fact everywhere I looked I saw comments galore. Never has the six comment nesting limit hurt so much as people spark off conversations in comment threads and make valid or thought worthy points.

Obviously this is a fantastic thing. Steemit is a social network and it is great to see it being realised. There are two reasons that come to mind over why this is happening. Neither is ideal but ultimately have the same effect.

If that effect is a more social steemit with a fairer more balanced rewards system then I am all for it.

The first reason I think would be that as the whales have stopped voting people realise that they cannot just dump a post and run. Knowing that they will get a whale vote and automatically earn $20. As they are now more reliant on votes from fellow minnows, dolphins and or mini whales they have had to engage. By voting or commenting. A little cynical perhaps but heck. It gets us to that social model we have all been wanting. If someone is commenting in a transparent way just to get votes then it will be apparent anyway and not really work.

Incidentally, the above scenario reminds me of one of the people who posted a I am gonna quit if I don't get more money post. Ironically it was pointed out in the comments that their voting power was in the high 90's, showing that in fact whilst this person expected votes and money they didn't seem to be so keen on spreading the love. I hope that has changed!

The second reason is possibly more cynical but again that hardly matters if the engagement is thought provoking or witty or even just plain old nice. That is that since people's voting power is worth more people are actually getting paid to comment! That's right before the experiment comments could often be a sparse affair. Now that people know there is gold in them thar hills it has definitely been a driver I think for people to comment more. Comments now can often be worth more than the value of the post or at least a number of cents.

What does this all mean? Well for the moment, a healthier more vibrant social Steemit. I for one am loving it.

Whatcha think?


it's a fun ride that's for sure!

Yes indeed, a roller coaster at times but fun all the way!!

@meesterboom Great post! Oh this one I mean it!

do you mind if I dump it here?

The first reason I think would be that as the whales have stopped voting people realise that they cannot just dump a post and run

This is so freaking true and I also noticed - there are less "empty comments" these days. What I mean with empty comments is - the kind that had just been dumped to say something - that sometimes don't even make any sense nor is relevant to a post.

I like how @papa-pepper put it - Steemit like you freaking mean it! So comment like you do, too. There's a human being on the other side of your comp (there is? damn- what's that like - Sadaku? oh well .. you know what I mean yes?) - and that human being can sense if you're for real or you're just asking for an up which is no biggie but - seriously Comment like you mean it.

So.. extension for this? hahahaha

do you mind if I make another dump?
maybe cynical but this was really the feeling I was feeling during those 1st days of trying this out

My lord that was the best reply i have seen in agree. I am driving and will reply properly one i get where i am going!!

@meesterboom what? you'd better keep your eyes on the road and your freaking hands on the steering wheel !
we really need to go to a rehab ahahah

Lol, it was traffic lights. Hehe. I agree so much. Comments now mean something. People don't just say nice post and you think, what? My post was about grief for a loved one!! @papa-pepper had it right. Steem it like you mean it and that includes on the comments too!!

Rehab is the only option. I'm steemified!!!

I had the same observations about comments. I remember when they were super high paying, then not paying at all, then they kinda just stopped altogether on many tags. I've never had strong feelings about an issue as I have about the nesting limit. That definitely should have never existed in the first place, and I'm very excited that people are engaging more.

I've been working hard to readjust my brain to the new old commenting/voting habits, since it's really making a difference for a lot of people. Also, it feels great to be in a place where I can reward 4 cents on a comment!

4 cents on a comment is truly cool!! Yeah i remember the high payouts on them too. I believe i made a couple of corkers back in the day!

The six limit thing. That was truly a bad move. I mean no disrespect to the developers but it reminds me of some of the classic developer mistakes that are made when there is no consultation with users. It might have had a valid reason. But sometimes you have to circumvent that which stifles interaction.

Overall i am glad of the change. It gives the place a certain buzz!!

Definitely no disrespect to the devs. This is exactly why this is beta, so it's no big deal as long as it's recognized and removed and that's happening, so yay!

It would've been awful if this nesting limit made it out of beta, it would completely strangle a million steemian user base.

Come on tuessssday... is the reward window changing to 7 days for a post, too?

Hehe, yeah. The joy of beta. It will be gone and we will dance to the tune of 255 nested contents!!

I think it is. That will be peculiar won't it? It might take some of the focus out of the money allergy. I know i will miss the 24 hour payout!

Hell I miss the old SP interest haha, what was it again? Like 90% of daily steem creation?

Something wild like they. You could just watch it tick up!! That was excellent. Now we have to work for our money!

But the engagement is only on posts about steemit, the experiment and the steemit price.

Also - I think they are counting all those automated comments smooth sent out about his downvote. He must have downvoted at least 200 a day, and probably generated that many comments... Not sure that counts as engagement!

I disagree. I see lots of comments on posts about photography, cooking and in crazy general. I am not counting automated comments. I mean comments i can see and read from people.

I think it would be awesome to hear you say "there is gold in them thar hills" in your Scottish accent.

I don't see anything to argue with. Yes, now that the whales are not voting, attempting to engage the audience is now way more important, in fact essential. Would be lovely to know how long the whales will not be voting.

Haha, I have been muttering it all morning in a variety of ways but it is more funny in the Scottish one!

I don't think it will end. I would love to know!

It looks like smooth is still busy flagging !great post by the way !

That's the experiment! Cheers!

I thought it was over!? I guess not .

I remember smooth doing an experiment on the platform several months ago where he spread all his upvotes across all users, I think it was regardless of content too but don't quote me on that part.

He did a lorry didn't he. I think he said he would give it random upvote for some reason. Everyone posted like mad for a day!

I find it funny that drama was the necessary catalyst to spark a change in interaction. Personally, the change hasn't trickled down to my posts (except those flag dots) but I'm glad that people are starting to discover the comments section. Ohhh, they're in for a treat when they finally realize that commenting would bring more readers to their posts. I imagine it's similar to when cavemen discover fire.

Exacto man!! And when that for us discovered it will all go boom!

I am sure you will see it soon dude. Jeep the faith!! :0)

Thank you for posting @meesterboom. Yes..indeed...what a week it has been and still is. Thank you for summarising it up for is easy to lose track of these things. Next thing you know BTC will be making a bid for Steem.

me-tarzan63 · 5 hours ago
Hey kibbjez glad to hear from you . I have not heard anything but I do know that BTC bid to buy Steem is way up today . but that could change at the drop of a hat .

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers. ^_^

Now wouldn't that be a cool thing! I saw bitcoin was tanking earlier. The crazy world of crypto! Thank you @bleujay!! All the best!!

I envisioned this right into existence...haha! It is true some have had to make adjustments, not you and I though, engagement is our bonding force ;)

Some forces cannot be broken!! :0D

Long live steemit alliances, you 'cannae' kill a beautiful idea!

Hahaha, aye. Ye cannae!! ;0)

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