in #steemit7 years ago


🐒 Every day Steem is created and a predetermined percentage of the newly created Steem is put into the REWARDS POOL and everyday some rewards are distributed among authors and curators .

The charts below show what is happening in the rewards pool if it is filling or emptying since HF-19



🐒 97,659 may be the largest drain on the Rewards Pool that we will see because it was 7 days after HF-19 and it takes 7 days for a payout after a post is made . Remember how many people were still voting with 100% not realizing that a change had been made with the HF-19. This is just my thoughts lets see how it plays out.

🐒 Today is the lowest the Rewards Pool has been since HF-19 . The pool is now at 839.913 today. But today is also the lowest drain day as well at 12,121

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🐒 Today the reward pool is now at 831,913 down 12,121 from yesterday .

Congratulations! You have been chosen to appear on "Who to Follow Daily". Thank you for adding so much value to the Steemit community. Steem on!

Thank you @me-tarzan.
The daily drain you have charted is the net result (Payouts - created steem). Right ?

Very helpful
Thank you very much
Upvoted I am your new follower

Always good to have a new follower greatvideos and thanks for your support

Nice my friend!, hope you dont mind i use some of your graph for a newbie question and ask post in spanish... Of course i will source and give you the credit :)

yes please use the graph and thanks for your support

The doom comes slower upon us . . .

The blood flow of the pool is slowing

Can you please explain how the hell is money being created in the rewards pool? This whole story doesn't make sense at all lol.

lazariko12 you raise a very good question and I don't know the answer . If you find the answer please let me know. I think the Steem is mined similar to litecoin or Bitcoin and mainly by the witnesses and how some of the new Steem ends up in the rewards pool I do not know but like you I would really like to know the whole process .

Looks like we may level out right around 800K.

Thats kinda what I am thinking

Thanks for the update! In the next rewards pool post, you should post a third graph of the size of the rewards pool, but extend the bottom of the Y-Axis to 0, so that it gives readers another perspective on this. :)

Buenas!!! Gracias por la información que compartiste, porque permite a todos entender de mejor manera la dinámica por acá en Steemit. Espero que puedas continuar compartiendo tus notables conocimientos en procura de ayudar a las personas que en calidad de principiantes, se abren paso en el mundo virtual...específicamente en lo que respecta a las #cryptomonedas...sobre todo las personas de este grupo tan importante #spanish. Muchos éxitos y prosperidad. Agradecido, con usted. Saludos...

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