in #steemit4 years ago


🐒 AVERAGE PER DAY PER MONTH 24hr STEEMIT ACTIVE USER also known as accounts transacting

AUGUST , 20165,345
SEPTEMBER , 20164,238
OCTOBER , 20163,981
NOVEMBER , 20163,260
DECEMBER , 20163,791
JANUARY , 20174,008
FEBRUARY , 20174,512
MARCH , 20174,910
APRIL , 20173,229
MAY , 20175,347
JUNE , 201712,292
JULY , 201721,075
AUGUST , 201724,625
SEPTEMBER , 201727,276
OCTOBER , 201728,150
NOVEMBER , 201726,398
DECEMBER , 201735,240
JANUARY , 201854,850
FEBRUARY , 201861,240
MARCH , 201859,575
APRIL , 201862,429🐒 🐒
MAY , 201860,189
JUNE , 201857,792
JULY , 201857,282
AUGUST , 201855,515
SEPTEMBER , 201849,458
OCTOBER , 201853,053
NOVEMBER , 201849,859
DECEMBER , 201842,550
JANUARY , 201943,194
FEBRUARY , 201943,049
MARCH , 201947,399
APRIL , 201948,660
MAY , 201946,377
JUNE, 201944,082
JULY , 201941,532
AUGUST , 201939,688
SEPTEMBER , 201937,132
OCTOBER , 201932,835
NOVEMBER , 201932,375
DECEMBER , 201930,785
JANUARY , 202029,780
FEBRUARY , 202028,486
MARCH , 202025,561
APRIL , 202023,996

🐒 The 2 charts below are of the daily 24hr active user also known as accounts transacting broken down into monthly averages. One is a Line chart and the other is a column chart .

🐒 The Average 24 hr user per day for the month of APRIL, 2020 was 23,996 . The Highest Average Active User numbers were in APRIL 2018 with 62,429 Average Active User per day .


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welcome back to my friend

welcome back friend,My account is also like your account that was blacklisted, even though I didn't make a mistake ,,now my account on hive.blog is having problems because it's blacklisted by two people.

Interesting information, it does not look as if the hardfork made a difference!

Thanks me-tarzan looks like Steem is unfortunately continuing to decline in usage.

Hi @me-tarzan, I noticed that you were not active here for a very long time but still have kept your Steem Power. Therefore, I wanted to approach you and ask if you would delegate your SP to our project @art-venture, we have created it in August 2017 to support undervalued artists. There are still many active Artists around and it would be good to be able to reward them appropriately for their works and activity.

We are interested in future of strong Steem that is why we need resources behind to build up stronger community and motivate people. Please look at this magazine that we produce every second day and also you can look at @stef1 account to see what we are doing.

I am aware that you probably not interested in such social projects but without other active users the price of Steem may fall and Steem that you hold may loose its value too.

The important thing is we have never done Power Down, all the rewards are going to Power Up.

I thank you in advance,


Hi buddy.
I really appreciate your support.

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