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RE: Why Are There Bandwidth Issues?

in #steemit6 years ago

When I was starting out last October people were doing shitty posts like 4-5 times a day and they were resteeming articles like there was no tomorrow.

Nowadays even commenting is hard for redfishes/planktons like us because of bandwidth issues. I get it we have so many new accounts and we only have so much bandwidth that can be given to people.

We should go after the shit posters, the spammers and the plagiarists and I am doing my part by reporting them to Steemcleaners. I get a nice SP bounty and they get flagged. I wish it could removed their SP so that they will have less bandwidth to post and spam comments.

Current work around we have is for the higher SP leveled members they delegate some 15-50 SP to help out.

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