💰 Steemdollar.com 💰 Big Updates: Best Price index! Steem Dollar, Steem and Vest Ticker & Conversion.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Two weeks ago SteemDollar.com was launched to visualise the price of the Steem Dollar. A simple site showing you the latest Steem Dollar Price!

At that time it was a conversion from the internal market SD to Steem and a conversion from Steem to BTC on Bittrex. Now two weeks later several Exchanges included the STEEM and Steem Dollar to their exchanges. This means you don't really need to calculate the price since most of the exchanges show you the USD value.

Since there is much to get from doing the right calculations to see which way of converting your Steem Dollars will give you the highest $ amount in the end. Maybe now at the moment there is not a that big spread but at some moments the spread is huge on what you will get somewhere else! The same is going on with Steem also here there can be quite a spread so take notice of where you sell!

SteemDollar New Features:



It is now posable to do live and dynamic conversions from:
Steem dollars to: STEEM, USD, BTC -> Click Here
Steem to: USD, BTC, VESTS -> Click Here
Vests <-> Steem vests conversions: -> Click Here


Several tickers are now available:
Steem dollar ticker : Sowing latest Bittrex price of the Steem Dollar -> Click Here
Steem ticker : Sowing the latest Bittrex price of Steem -> Click Here
Vests ticker : Showing the latest Vest Rate Click Here


With al the calculations you want to know where to exchange your hard earnings:
Best Steem Dollar price : List of exchanges and calculations for the best Steem Dollar price.
Best Steem price : List of exchanges Steem can be traded on to get the best Steem price.

#steemit #steem #bitcoin #blockchain #steempoweredfreedom #realtime #cryptocurrency #steemdollar #conversion #ticker


Hi Maurice,

this tool comes in superhandy for quick conversions. Thx for all the hard work!

http://Steemdollar.com peoples, bookmark it!

besides bookmarking it, remember it easily: steem.ly/sd :)

nice work on the steem it tiny link generator!

It's open for everyone to use and yesterday we even implemented custom keywords after the / :)

Thanks @roelandp same goes for your nice effort on http://steemstream.com! I like it!

VERY important post. I will be saving this post as these links are handy.

you are the bomb, thanks for putting all this info into one post!
surely anyone can margin trade steem and steemdollars all day long for profits using these!

Thank you for posting. QUESTION: should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at: https://steemit.com/steemit/@kingtylervvs/if-steemit-ever-does-decide-to-advertise-there-is-only-1-way-it-could-work-in-my-opinion-debate

This is a democratic community decision.

Upvote the #steemengine for in house steemit poster ads!

I'm loving this converter. During a Steemit meetup here in Montreal, I showed the tool to participants and people find it easy to use. Great job!

Wow that is awesome! How did the steemit meetup in general go?

Cool it's currently $1.36 USD for Steem Dollar at the time of this post!

Going up an down all day long ;)

That would be so great if you add a € conversion as well!

on the to do list! :)

Really good UI design! We also made a price aggregator for traders and it was on the front page yesterday! http://steemprices.com

Nice, their are more and more coming up hope that is good for some innovative "battles".

Great Help for all steemers! Thanks!

good to hear thanks!

Wow, I need to say ... the Site looks awesome. Good job to the creator. Very useful

thanks! hope we can all put it to good use

Handy post, thanks a lot. Steemit is the future !

Welcome! Will try to update as much as possible! Any feedback?

bitcoin is old game man.

ether way I will take his bitcoin and covert it in to STEEM !

the best!! I wanted it.


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