SHARING IS CARING: First 500 Followers - Celebrating with 10 SBD GIVEAWAY

in #steemit7 years ago


Hey you! Yes, you! Well, of you, my dear Steemians...

I feel like celebrating today.

Just reached my first milestone and got my first 500 followers. I am very happy to achieve that, especially now that I'm back here with you, after a break. I wrote about my first six months on Steemit experience in my previous post.

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As we all know that sharing is caring, I wanna share some of my SBD with you, all my current and future followers.

How to get 10 SBD?

  1. FOLLOW ME @matejka13
  3. LEAVE A COMMENT - what would you like me to write about in the future; what subjects you find most interesting or maybe which of my previous post you find most interesting (and why) - share some good ideas with me


Winner will be announced after 7 days, on 31th of January and will have transaction of SBD by 1st February on his or her account. :)

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Who will win and how do we decide about the winner?

The most creative comment's AUTHOR will win the competition. I will announce it publicly and will try to be as objective as I can. Una says she'll help me. Let's rock!


Have a lovely night and be creative!

And don't forget to follow, upvote, resteem and leave a comment!



Prije svega čestitam na broju followera, do kraja godine se nadam da ceš skupit još jednu nulu na taj broj.
Što se postova tice imas dobru nit samo nastavi, meni je najzanimljivije gledat slike sa putovanja, fotografije hrane iz raznih restorana, recenzije mjesta, slike krajolika.
Drago mi je da te imamo u zajednici #steemitbalkan :)

How can I put in a cat pic. ;-)

As for ideas...I love learning more about the people behind the keyboard!

Barcelona blogs are the best so traveling blogs, after that i think on what i had seen that ice skating is what you really love so maybe that should be in next few topics :)

Sheram te jer uživam u tvojim postovima tako da se ne natječem za nagradu :D Čestitke na followerima ...and many more to come.
Taj sharing is caring je nešto što stalno tupim djeci kad se tuku oko stvari. Baš je catchy. :D

Hvala ti, draga Višnja! Pratim te :)
Mislim da treba više govoriti o tome jer imam feeling da se mnogi ovdje lako polakome za lovom, a mislim da ima i drugih načina da se "uspije" na Steemitu. Što više daš, više dobiješ, taj neki koncept... Planiram i neki post o tome, dok se ulovim sama sa sobom ;) :*

I will like you to write about Africa,we are really suffering here in Africa And with your interests in pictures and travelling you might really b saving lives...

make an interview with BRKOVI ^^

Haha, good idea! Can you connect me with the boys? ;) @interceptor

lol soon they are playing in my area, ill try if i get there in time ^^

Za pocetak cestitke na 500 pratitelja...
Prikljucija san se steemitu ima 20 ak dana i dosad san ponosna gleda u svojih 70 pratitelja, a sad mi sve pada u vodu... ☹️

Postovi su ti zanimljivi i nema potrebe za mjenjanjem icega(slike s putovanja, zanimljivi dogadaji u zivotu, zanimljive cinjenice na koje naletis negdi,...), Una tvoj zastitni znak 😂, cim vidin neku sliku macke znan o kome je rijec...

Lijep pozdrav tebi, Uni i ostatku steemit zajednice
I ako bas ja osvojin nagradu i @steembalkan ce dobro profitirat... 😬

A moj @sljivanono! Hvala ti od <3 na commentu...:) To be continued...

Hi -

I'm gooing to be doing my 500 follower post early next week as I'm on that threshold too so it seemed rude not to oblige you.

Your blog's quite eclectic and mostly about you 'around town' which is fine, but you resteem a few post about heavier articles ocassionally - maybe think of a theme with a bit more philosophical substance and write on that regularly?

Personally I could live without yet another travel blog - just keep telling us about life at home and keepnit authentic and maybe add in something a little deeper.

And maybe a few more pics of yugos - that was the first car I ever owned (in 1991) before I crashed it 3 days later and wrote it off, but that's another story.

Anyway. Followed and resteemed. I'll look forward to some SBDs. ;)

Thank you @revisesociology! You got me thinking a bit. Ofc I would like to go deeper and there are many more things I would like to explore and write about, but maybe there is certain language barrier which has kept me from doing so. At least so far... Thanks for your advice and comment, anyway! :))

Actually fair point about the language barrier. Although from what I've read, your English is very good!

You are so generous! I should totally host a giveaway too! I guess I ll do this in the following weeks, thank for inspiring me! Your cat is adorable, I hope to see more posts about Croatia!!
cheers @matejka13

Many more to come...:) I’m glad you followed :) And I support the idea of giveaway - we should give something to get something in return, right? ;)

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