Steemit Encourages Deep Thought And Creativity

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


For years I have complained about the lack of appreciation in our culture of thought and creativity. Our government and corporations want us to be mindless wage slaves who are smart enough to do our jobs but stupid enough to follow their lead. I am a thinker and am creative as well. This is also tue of my friends and family. In school, we were ridiculed while the mindless sporty kids were praised. I was an outcast simply because I thought for myself and challenged the accepted norms. Until recently, I felt as though that was going to be how it always would be. Along came Steemit, and finally I see the clouds are parting and we, the creative, are stepping out with pride.


In ancient Greece philosophers and artists were important parts of society. Men like Socrates, Aristotle, and Epicurus were rewarded by their communities. Not only were they respected but they were supported by everyone from the slaves to the royalty. In our time, Kim Kardashian is rewarded for…, what is it she does again? Our president is Donald Trump and someone in Congress worried that if too many people were in Guam it would tip over. The dumb, it burns!!!

I, like many Americans, have been on social media for years. Facebook is nothing but memes and cats. People do little but bitch about their lives and share it with the NSA or the CIA. For some time I have done very little with my account. Then my friend, Adam Kokesh, suggested I check out Steemit.

To be honest, at first I was skeptical, but Steemit paid. I gave it a try. I have only been on Steemit a couple of months, but I fell in love. This platform is amazing. Sure it pays and that is nice, but the content. I read every day, fantastic and enlightening posts about a whole host of topics. Posts about my main interests, politics, and spirituality, are where I focus most, but I look at beautiful photographs and read interesting articles about food. The creativity knows no end. What blows my mind is the depth of thought that goes into these posts.

In addition to all of the great ideas I get to read, I also write. My creativity is here on display. The greatest part is that it is welcomed and encouraged by the Steem community. This encouragement has led to a better existance not only because of the outlet for my art but also in my financial security. For a while I have wanted to get involved in cryptocurrency. I now have an investment in not only Steemit but through it Bitcoin. My Bitcoin is fully funded by Steemit.

Our world finally has an outlet, free of censorship, and not being manipulated by government. The reaction is thought, real thought. We also communicate and share ideas. Creativity is becoming contagious. Thank you Steemit for bringing these things back to life. The future of social media is written in Steem!!!



I would add that critical thinking is being ignored and discouraged in our universities, which is very sad.

It's time to think bigger, outside of the box and for ourselves.


Well said. I personally have not been very active in social media, except LinkedIn and Xing as professional networks. I did not like Facebook at all since posting cat and dog videos next to food did not feel like „sense of life“ to me.

Steemit inspired me to start writing content of value. It was also one of my starting points into the crypto world. I trust it will be for many others, too.

Imagine the full effect once it comes out of beta and spreads out on a larger scale.

For sure and I think that it is the crypto component that will make it continue to grow, just last night I was a Steak n Shake and when I paid in Bitcoin I celebrated that and the cashier heard and commented that she was interested in getting into cryptocurrency. We had a short conversation. I pointed her to Steemit, she took my phone number and we will see. Either way again it prompted more involvement in productive things.

Great job, another steemian for the community. I am living in Germany, it is still strange how few people really understand the concept and have invested so far.

Steemit German community is still small but growing steadily. I tend to write English so far but assume that German would be great,too.

"Facebook is nothing but memes and cats." So true. You really have to sift through your feed on FB to find anything of value. And anything longer than a sentence gets scrolled past. I've shared a couple of my steemit posts on there to see what would happen, and I think my FB peoples' eyes glazed over and they hurried along to a meme.

I love the blog concept here: longer thoughts and higher expectations; originality.

I find curating other steemians content forces you to be more creative as well.

I also love steemit bro !
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

Steemit is a lot of bots resteeming and upvoting and a lot of nonsense too. And if you want to look at freedom of speech, check out twitter. Its easy to troll just about anyone, including donald trump.

Steem was built as a great idea. It has the potential to be a truly great platform but it will require a lot of effort from the existing community. There is plenty of criticism online about steemit and we need to correct it.

Btw, kim kardashian isnt stupid. She is smart to know her audience and make them stupid. Also, who is to say who is smart, steemians or kim k followers. Its so subjective. Somewhere in the world on some social media article, someone could have written the exact same article calling steemians stupid. To each his own..

Great your post

it's a great post and you described it so well.

i always enjoy every bit of you boss,you really are very great..

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