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RE: My Steemit Hero: @papa-pepper (Daddy Warbucks)

in #steemit7 years ago

And that's the reason I'm on Steemit! I have always felt this community consists of people who care and @papa-pepper is certainly one of the best. Thanks for this post - it has helped restore my faith in my fellow human beings.


I've only been on here for about 6 months and I've really been made to feel a part of the community... It was wonderful to finally meet one of them face to face- especially @papa-pepper and his wonderful family!

He sounds like the kind of guy you would want to sit on the porch with on a summers evening and have a couple of cold beers while listening to his stories. :-)

He is... like I said in the post...I wish it had been under different circumstances. I felt really comfortable with him!

If you're both in the same state, maybe you could start a steemit meet-up?

there's already one for the general area.

reminds me; gotta get off my ass and start a Meetup for Austin

I finally slept and I've felt so burned out from stress (which I used to thrive on) I can't even write today. Now I've got another worry... Looks like the SHTF in Qatar... My grandson is there in the Army!

which I used to thrive on

I used to be an adrenaline junkie, and every once in a while, I get that vibe, if you know what i'm talking about

but I am pretty damn tired these days.

I wonder if we both are feeling adrenal fatigue; that we lived hard and burned ourselves out

I'm not that far from Texas.....

I'll shoot you a reply once I get off my ass; so far, tho, it only looks like there is two of us (not counting you and your roadtrip ;> ) interested in an Austin meetup

Internet nerds throw the best parties. Back when IRC was a thing, the Arkansas IRC groups got together pretty regularly. Would be cool if you and the peppers revived that in the crypto world.

There's a Steemit group that meets somewhere in the area... I think last time it might have been Kansas City, I don't remember. I had been on Steemit about a week then.

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