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RE: The End Of Mainstream Social Media IS HERE! - How Steemit Is Changing The World (with Stephen Kendal)

in #steemit6 years ago

When I tried to explain steemit to my friends many of them just dont get it, or they go on the site for five minutes and just dont see the value or how it works... I think that in one year the steem blockchain and the ways in which we interact with it will be completley different then what we have now...

Even though bitcoin has gone through the roof I am starting to think that investing in steem might be the smartest move I have ever made - for now I will just keep interacting and putting up original content and simply see what happens...

I am worried about the amount of spam and poop posts I see, and also the abuse of tags - I don't think most people want to use thier precios power for flagging people, and of course we dont want censorship here - but really - how can we minimize these single photo posts or copy paste with one sentence posts... I wonder about it all the time.

I think this is the main deterrent to new users right now - they see someone take a screenshot and since thay have so many followers they are making $300, then they write a beautiful blog and get 2 cents...
Who wouldn't be discouraged?

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