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RE: I hate controversy.... but I love clever solutions!

in #steemit6 years ago

Yay helpful bots! I ❤️ Gina.

For bid bots: My preferred solution is to ban them. Simple. I mean no moral judgments. When I see people say that it would be impossible to enforce or that people would find ways to game the system anyway, I don’t think that holds up. All sites have a TOS. We don’t allow certain forms of expression because they’re illegal or cross the lines of abuse. It depends how you define “abuse,” but I’d say manipulating the rewards system and intentionally undermining the platform counts. If people want ways to pay to promote content then they can use the one the site already built for that purpose and then disclose that it’s promoted (which is mandated by the FTC anyway).


i agree .... but until they do.... (who knows when) should we negate their effect by all taking part? or.... hmmmm not sure!
and if you haven't tried @dustsweeper yet.... i HIGHLY recommend!!!!! :)

I've heard about the promoted tab - but then i've heard that its really not too beneficial. and then you have - well ok - people won't use "bots" but then they'll just do it behind the scenes. so many ways to get around things!!!

so... yeah - not sure what the solution is - but love the discussion! thanks @malloryblythe!!!

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