Do you know why you write on Steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Image source: Pixabay

When motivation starts to drop.

Lately I have stumbled upon many posts of unhappy Steemians who have expressed their discontent regarding the low or close to zero rewards, who threatened to leave the platform as a result.

In the beginning I felt compelled to comment on their posts and encourage them to stay, to keep writing. Shortly after I noted that more and more people dropped off the wagon and accused various reasons. It’s a personal choice, I agree. We all of us have a life outside the platform. Thus, my only advice for them was to follow their call.

Everyone can write.

Nowadays, in the age of technology, everyone can write. All you need is a blog where you can blurb some verbal diarrhea and hit the publish button. There you go, you have a post! Am I missing something? Oh, yes! The content of your post! The topics you touch on your blog.

Writing is an activity which requires you to come up with an original content, presented under a clearly written form, easy to understand and follow. In a nutshell, well organized content. So far, those who mastered this simple concept have done well, gained more followers and have seen their posts rewarded.

Do you have the writing bug?

In case you have stared at a blank page for more than ten minutes without being able to come up with a sentence, maybe writing is not the right hobby for you. Perhaps you should look into something else, something more fulfilling or rewarding. Note that I am not talking about the monetary rewards!

Some people find solace in writing, others do it as full time job and they love /hate it. Before you start accusing writers' block or blaming the platform or others for ignoring your brilliant post, have a closer look, a deeper one and try to see what determined you to choose writing among other hobbies.

Here are some questions that could help those who still have a hard time figuring out what really drives them.

Why do you write?

You write because you CAN. I know that! Everyone can do it, but not all blogs get read and not everyone is a writer! (This is where I will agree with you not all exceptional blogs get the deserved recognition.) Though that’s another topic.

What drives you to write?

  • Do you have stories that need to be written and shared with the world?
  • Are you trying to prove yourself to someone who rejected your previous work?
  • Are you trying to achieve a goal of writing a minimum of 400 or 500 words per day?
  • Are you looking for prizes, recognition or fame?
  • Are you hoping to change lives, to see a real impact on others?
  • Or you are in love with the creative process?

What is your approach?

  • What type of content are you posting?
  • Are you a subject matter expert in that field or merely an enthusiastic amateur?
  • How do you engage the reader throughout your post?
  • Do you plan your posts’ topic or you write about random things?
  • How much time do you allocate to the writing process?
  • Do you have pre-writing routine or you are waiting to have a spark of inspiration striking you?
  • Which stage of the creative process are you enjoying the most: planning, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading or presenting?

In it for the long run.

Once you have asked yourself these questions and managed to come up with an answer for each one of them, congratulations! You are still here. I admire the perseverance. You may be here for the long run. I hope you'll enjoy the ride and I'll get to read more about you from your future posts.

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that writing is my creative outlet, my therapy. This is where I get to express myself. Writing is a part of me, thus if I don't continue my work, I will feel incomplete.

Since you made it all the way here, let me pick your brain! How do you get the words flowing and then written on paper? What’s your secret? Do you wonder in silence and let words and ideas swirl and dance into your mind? Are you taking notes or simply sit down and start typing? Tell me!

Unless stated otherwise, all photos used in this posts are taken and owned by myself. If you wish to use any of my images, please contact me!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your feedback in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


For those of us who love to write (you are apparently in that group), Steemit is just another medium. It is one with a clear reward system. Not all rewards are handed out equally and in proportion to value---welcome to life!
I remember being a rookie on a job (several jobs). There was always a period when I had to prove myself. I didn't get the plum assignments. My pay was lower. It was hard to fit in because everyone seemed to know each other. Why should Steemit be different?
As for why I am here, and why I stay, writing is my favorite creative activity. I've been writing for years--blogging, self-publishing books, joining workshops. Steemit has a particular dynamic. It encourages engagement not only with the financial rewards, but with feedback from other Steemians. Then, there are always posts, like this one, that prompt replies.
I went to bed last night with an idea for a post. The idea came from an article I read with a child. This subject has been percolating for few days--not just because I want to create a post, but because the idea is intriguing. That's my process. Read, think, create. If the words don't come, read some more. Put fuel on the fire, as it were. At some point, I try to explain my thoughts to myself. From that, an organized piece usually takes shape. This is a laborious process many would find tedious. Suits me.
You see, you got me going, @lymepoet. Thanks for the creative boost :)

Thanks for this wonderful comment. I am glad it got you going! The feedback from the other Steemians is what I found far more interesting than the reward system. My creative process is similar with yours. Some posts require a research while others don't. It depends on how comfortable I am with the topic.

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

Before you start accusing writers' block or blaming the platform or others for ignoring your brilliant post, have a closer look, a deeper one and try to see what determined you to chose writing among other hobbies.
It should be to choose instead of to chose.

Standing up to you name, huh?

I think in these very uncertain times many of us write to soothe our soul. We are distressed by what we see going on in the world today but feel helpless to change it. We are seeking a gentler more compassionate place to live but day after day things seem to be spiralling more out of control. Although we may not be able to write about all that troubles us the very act of writing helps to focus our attention in a different direction.

Writing plays a cathartic role and although is not directly changing the world, is helping us change, be better.

No matter the reward, your posts always shine more than any other, your need to write is felt for the reader like a cure to yourself to spread love happiness and beauty for our eyes. A PURE content creator who's doing it for her need to create and not for a need of reward. Big ❤️ To you!!!

Awww, that's a really great compliment! Thank you, Nick! 💚

Magnífico, me ha gustado mucho tu reflexión amigo @lymepoet gracias por ese impulso en verdad...

Gracias! Me alegro leer esto!

The people who left will come back when the rewards go up. They however might not find the same level of support as before. The people who stayed through the hard times deserve the support.

I guess you are right! Time will tell.;0)

Really inspiring post, dear friend @lymepoet...
Hope this motivation make us all Steemian be more productive...

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

Well said @lymepoet, beautifully written. As for me, I'm still learning to write in English, but I don't have a plan for writing a blog. I just sit and start typing 😁

I am glad to hear you the inspiration flowing ;0)

Very thought provoking questions that I definitely need to think about and reflect on. Thanks for the nudge. I find that ideas come to me randomly so I have to scribble them down on paper before they leave my mind, otherwise I forget them and just can't recall them until another random time.

I always carry a small notepad with me to scribble them down. Usually they tend to come at the most inappropriate or unexpected time ;0)

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