Searching for Steemit language communities #1: Albanian

in #steemit6 years ago

Not all communities on Steemit work like Korean, Spanish or even Polish - there are many “terra incognita” on language map of the world. Ten months ago I have created Map and analysis of ALL non-English European communities on Steemit with my advices about tags and since then many people came and some of them went away. Steemit had it’s ups and downs. English is still the main language on this platform but others make their own tag enclaves and it’s working quite good for them.

In this series I would like to focus on those languages. I will try to find non-English communities and if it won’t be possible - maybe it will help to create such communities in the future? Few advices regarding tags included!

And today I will write about Albanian.


Official language in: Albania, Kosovo.
Recognised minority language in: Macedonia, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Romania.
Native speakers: 5.4 million (2011).

Distribution of Albanian people in Europe from Wikipedia

Ten months ago it looked like this:

There were only two Albanian posts on Steemit and none of them had a language-like tag. At that point there was no future for Albanian community.

What has changed since then? To be exact - till the end of February?

A lot.

Let’s look into posible language-like tags.

Every time there is an asterisk (*) with number of authors it means that some of them wrote in more months but they are counted only once.


In the beginning it looked like a connection to Albania but after searching I realized this tag has nothing to do with this country or language and if it will be ever used it should belong to Abaga language. I don’t know why it was used for Albanian posts. There were only six authors with six posts more than four month ago, so it doesn’t really matter now.


Using country name for a language tag was never a good idea. Just look at the numbers in other posts. I understand why somebody would use tag albania for Albanian post, but it won’t be possible to create community with it.


First tag with language name, English name to be exact. But there is nothing interesting here, even other posts have small numbers. It could be a possible tag for language community, for now it’s the best, but it’s not the end yet.


Albanon is a historical name for a part of Albania. There were two posts a half year ago and I can’t tell more about this tag. This is not what we are looking for.


This tag definitely has nothing to do with Albanian language (obviously it’s Indonesian) but I decided to include it - there are eleven Albanian posts and it’s not a small number. However it was four months ago so - next, please!


Finally! This look like the best option for Albanian posts. Name of this tag is an Albanian word for Albanian (language) and as we can see there there are more posts every month. What is more important - sum of Albanian posts is bigger than sum of other posts so it’s possible to create and manage a community here.

Albanian posts

It’s not like there are no Albanian posts on Steemit. Oh no! Even when we take out posts from tags above there are still a lot of them. They simply have wrong tags so it’s almost impossible to find them. Let’s have a look.

Let’s create the Albanian community!

As I wrote ten months ago, there are few suggested tags for the Albanian community and one of them is native name of Albanian language - shqip. Looking at all of the tables above the best option is to “take” this tag and publish all Albanian texts with it. When users would see that there is this one place where is the biggest chance to read something in your own language - others will write something too. I see a little point of hope but it all depends on you - Albanian people!

Next language?

What do you think about this post? What language would you like to see next? Will it help somebody?

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good one on Albania language and quite informative.
well, what of bulgarian. similar to russian and ukrainian. we have big communities from ukraine and bulgaria
tks for sharing and helping. lets keep in touch

So next post should be about Bulgarian language?

I think so. Let's also unite against spam trending in steemit. I updated on such issues . Let's keep in touch 💪

This initiative is quite interesting. I've found a lot of Filipino, Korean and Spanish communities here. Also people from Dubai and some countries from Africa. I didn't know Albanians were also here.

What about Japan? I love that country SO much. Would it be some japanese people in here?

Japanese community -> This language is even includen in international @ocd posts.

I agree with your opinion brother @lukmarcus

In my opinion not all countries have had a great advance on the development of Steemit, in addition to Korea and Spain I see there are some countries that are progressing Steemit progress. As Nigeria and Indonesia are the current steady users of Steemit account.

A pride for me because I am a native Indonesian citizen, actually just joined Steemit on September 18, 2017 and then I study it little by little. Then I invite many friends to join and that's where the whole community works.

Hopefully with the support of fellow users of Steemit account anywhere can support the progress of this platform is so positive.

Regards from Indonesia.

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